Research Ethics
Chicken Embryonic Development
Experimental Design
Data Management

Presenting someone else’s original idea as your own work without attribution constitutes this.

What is plagiarism?


By Day 3 of chicken development, these appendages begin to form.

What are the wings and legs?


This variable in an experiment is deliberately changed to test its effect on the dependent variable.

What is the independent variable?


This tool can help you create and manage a customized library of research references and automatically format citations.

What is EndNote?


Information that is widely known in a field and does not require citation is referred to as this.

What is common knowledge?


By Day 3, this system is well developed in the chicken embryo.

What is the circulatory system?


In experimental design, this variable is measured or observed to obtain results.

What is the dependent variable?


Keeping one of these ensures that all details of an experiment, including procedures and observations, are recorded for future reference.

What is a lab notebook?


This term refers to re-performing the same analysis with the same code using a different analyst.

What is reproducibility?


This structure, visible in a fertile, unincubated egg, has a “donut-appearance” on Day 1 of development.

What is the blastoderm?


This format is often used to structure hypotheses and involves a cause-and-effect statement, such as "If plants are given more sunlight, then they will grow taller."

What is an "If-Then" statement?


This format for organizing data ensures each variable forms a column, each observation forms a row, and each type of observational unit forms a table.

What is tidy data?


A practice of running multiple studies but only reporting the significant results, also known as data dredging.

What is p-hacking?


On Day 5 of development, this organ is developing rapidly in proportion to the body size.

What is the brain?


When preparing for lab work, writing out all steps and identifying tasks that can be done at the same time helps ensure these are followed correctly.

What are procedures?


This file storage service allows you to save your data online and access it from multiple devices, often used for collaborative work.

What is OneDrive?


Researchers changing their hypothesis after results are analyzed is referred to by this acronym.

What is HARKing (Hypothesizing After Results are Known)?


Blood appears as these structures in the outer ring of the developing chicken embryo on Day 2.

What are blood islets?


This step in experimental design involves making an educated guess about the expected outcome.

What is formulating a hypothesis?


This section of a lab notebook details the exact steps followed during an experiment, ensuring the experiment can be repeated by others.

What is the methods or procedures section?