New Canvasser Orientation
Canvass Check-in
In Turf Visits
Canvass Check Out

The type of VR that we do is non-partisan

What is C3?


 Canvassers should do this Before every shift

Sign in, heath and saftey check, rap practice/roleplay, review goals, get assignement/site and/or check that tablet is working and fully charged


When you act out registering a community member before a shift starts.

What is rap practice?


You should ensure canvassers are doing this to attract potential registrants

What is smile/being friendly/make eye contact


At this point of quality control, you look over each form in front of the canvasser and ask them about missing information.

What is Visual Inspection/Quality Control?


We make this to set shifts up to 2 weeks in advance

What is a schedule?


How you calculate how many volunteers you will have for your event

What is rule of halves?


This training covers the federal tax rules that apply to all organizations.

What is nonpartisan compliance?


You should do this if the site is slow

What is change sites?


This document, which includes canvasser id, no. of voter registrations, shift hours, shift goal, and any other notes is submitted during the shift checkout.

What is a cover sheet?


The process by which we determine a fraudulent form

What is Quality Control?


These should be set before each shift

What are goals?


Daily, canvassers will share their best practices to overcome this; the most common word canvassers will hear.

What is the no?


 Daily Double: In field training, is usually handled by this staff person.

Who is the canvass lead or office field director? (We’ll accept either response here)


You take the time to address any flags that emerge from visual inspection as quality control in order to set them up for success before the next shift. 

What is Re-training?


This should be integrated into your operations plan in case of a crisis

What is a crisis plan


 Canvassers should be prepared to do this after their shift

What is debrief?


Before each shift, teams should share best practices for obtaining these and review the number of voter registrations with both these identification numbers. 

What are penndot id and ssn?


A best practice to use to make sure a form is completed in it's entirety 

what is to review form as they fill out, all the way to signature and date 


During your check out, you’d get canvassers perspective on foot traffic, stops per hour, and quality of the site.

What is Site Review?


The types of police interactions

What is:Encounters (Conversations), Investigative detentions (Detention), Custodial detentions (Arrest)


The location where the canvass team will do VR

What is the site?


You can give this to canvassers as they practice, in the field, and at the end of a shift. 

What is feedback?


This type of check-in allows to see how many forms have been collected, how many have phone #'s and how many people they have come into contact with 

What is mid-shift check in


How many registrations are collected in an allotted amount of time

What is VR rate per hour?