What is stress?
“ A…reaction the body has when changes occur. It can respond to these changes physically, mentally, or emotionally.”
What can the Microsoft Outlook Calendar be used for?
Initial and Follow Up meetings with Veterans
Process EAA Payments
Annual Reviews
Case Closures
Reoccurring reminders of submitting reports
What is the next step if the PILA (Preliminary IL Assessment) identifies there may be Independent Needs?
VR&E will provide a CILA (our office does this through contracting)
How many days does an employee have to request a reconsideration after they receive their local Quality Assurance?
5 days
What is a planned interruption?
An interruption that is temporary or has a defined date of return to classes/programming.
What are three (3) examples of how we unsuccessfully process workplace related stress?
We feel SICK or SICKER
Name five tools that are available to you to improve workload management?
OBIEE / VR&E Workload Reports
File Folder Tree / H-Drive
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Outlook
How often should you make IL contacts and what is the checklist that one must use or utilize as a guide?
Monthly, Case Support Checklist, VAF 28-0852
Can your Supervisor overturn your Quality Assurance?
What is interruption used for?
To recognize that a variety of situations may arise in the course of a claimant’s rehabilitation program that would make a suspension of his or her program necessary.
Why do we at VR&E perceive workplace stressors more intensively?
Our sense of mission
Perception of our mission’s tasks exacerbating other stressors
Counselor tendencies not to “eat our own cooking”
Which of to available can be used for integrated service delivery?
E-VA & Task
Who must the VRC consult with if an IL plan needs to last more than 24 months?
The VRP and the VREO
Who is the final person who you would submit your Quality Assurance to for it to be overturned?
For a planned interrupt contact must be made every _______ days
What is 90 days
What are general stress management strategies?
RECOGNIZE: Take Pause and watch for the warning signs (Mindfulness)
REVERSE: Change course by seeking support and managing stress
RESILIENCE: Build your resilience daily in small pieces to have the option to act instead of react
Name two helpful stress management tools?
Prioritize your daily task / Preferably first thing in the morning
Use your calendar to block off a timeframe to focus on important task / Minimize phone usage to avoid any distractions during this time
Take your allotted breaks during your shift . This will allow you to refresh your thoughts to finish your tasks successfully
Phone a friend / Contact your colleagues for assistance to avoid frustration
What is the purpose of the CILA?
To enable the claimant, to the maximum extent possible, to live independently and participate in family and community life.
What is the Performance Management Plan for a VRC who completes a Fiscal Year (FY) Quarter below 5% or FYTD is below 5% of the FA target
Second Signature
How many days should a case remain in E&P maximum?
105 days
What are the "I am allowed" affirmations?
“I am allowed not to know everything”
“I am allowed to request assistance”
“I am allowed to play to my strengths”
“I am allowed to respect my limits/triggers”
“I am allowed to get creative”
Which tool can take care of up to 80% of the required follow up, data entry and documentation work that staff rarely like to do?
When do you refer a claimant to HISA?
When home improvement and structural alterations necessary for the continuation of treatment or for disability access
What are the two components of the Performance Management Plan for an Action Plan?
A Counselor will develop their action plan of how they will better handle case management activities and a Counselor will meet biweekly for reviewing case outliers, spot-checks and reviewing their progress.
What are two ways to manage a case in E&P status?
Checklist, OBIEE, Outlook tasks, weekly/biweekly checks in CWINRS