Upon arresting someone for Theft By Shoplifting (Misd,) what are they released from the Villa Rica Police Department with?
Uniform Citation, Accusation & Summons / Ticket
You stop a car for illegal window tint. The tint reads 29%, can you cite this person?
No, State Law states "less than 32 percent, plus or minus 3 percent"
A person used a FAKE $100 bill to pay a loan at a bank. This person is arrested and charged with?
Forgery in the First Degree
A person commits this crime when they intentionally commit an act, which places another in reasonable fear of immediately receiving a violent injury.
Simple Assault (FVA)
Per policy "P190-MOTOR VEHICHLE PURSUITS 2024," how many vehicles are allowed in one pursuit?
Two emergency vehicles.
Theft of Lost or Mislaid Property is?
He / She takes property that he knows or learns to have been lost or mislaid and appropriates the property to his own use without first taking reasonable measures to restore the property to the owner
Probable cause or reasonable suspicion
what is the crime that involves making, altering, or possessing forged checks worth less than $1,500?
Forgery in the Fourth Degree
A FVA physical domestic occurs at a residence. A child heard the argument and witnessed the physical aspect of this crime, What crime would the predominant aggressor be charged with?
Cruelty to children in the third degree
As of this date, Per policy "A247 Take Home Vehicles," what is the maximum range in miles, from city limits, for take home vehicles?
15 miles per policy (Unless command staff)
If someone steals $250 worth of household items from an empty home, without permission, they are charged with?
Under the Fourth Amendment, we are required to have either probable cause or this specific legal concept before conducting a search of a vehicle.
You arrest a person for Theft by Taking. Once searched, you find 11 forged checks written without a specified amount in a fictitious name. What else can you charge this person with?
Forgery in the Third Degree
During a FVA physical domestic the predominant aggressor pushes the victim and leaves observable marks. The predominant aggressor is charged with?
FVA Battery
Per policy "A175-Promotional Process," how many years of service do you need to be promoted from Officer to Corporal?
you just need to be in a non-probationary position and to show proficiency functioning as a officer.
If someone steals a $499 shotgun from a pawnshop, they are charged with?
Theft by Taking (Felony)
This is the maximum amount of time we can detain a individual during a lawful traffic stop without probable cause for further investigation.
A reasonable amount of time (typically around 20 minutes or less, depending on the circumstances)
A person alters the expiration date or amount on a prescription for controlled substances, committing what crime?
Forgery in the Second Degree
During a FVA domestic dispute, the Predominate Aggressor cuts a finger off of the Victim by using hedge sheers. The Aggressor would be charged with?
Aggravated Battery
Per policy "P040 - Police Response to Aggression," during a NON-deadly use of force incident, what is the first responsibility of involved officers on scene?
Provide medical attention
"if there are any injuries to the suspect or officer, medical attention will be sought immediately."
Alex, a software engineer, downloads his company’s proprietary software code onto a USB drive before leaving for a competing firm and providing this firm with the new software. Alex is arrested and charged with what?
Theft of Trade Secrets (O.C.G.A. 16-8-13)
This case law allows officers to detain individuals temporarily for questioning during a traffic stop if they have a reasonable suspicion of criminal activity, but does not require an arrest.
Brendin v. California
This is the maximum penalty for someone convicted of forgery in the first degree in Georgia.
Imprisonment for 10 years
Which of the following crimes could not fall under Family Violence Act?
battery, simple battery, simple assault, assault, stalking, criminal damage to property, unlawful restraint, false imprisonment, or criminal trespass?
False imprisonment
Per policy "E025- National Guard," at what point will the VRPD notify the National Guard
"Any time a situation develops that is beyond the capabilities of local law enforcement agencies to address."