Commonly reused item after coming home from the grocery store
plastic bags for the trash can
A fan favorite at every banquet, known for their famous song revolving around cold appendages
What is the most widely known cuisine in Vietnam?
What letter is Vietnam in the shape of?
What is the currency in Vietnam?
why use this appliance when you can just put pots and pans in them?
The oven
This person is AASU's Historian and they run a healthy food account on the side
Often mistaken as sushi, this popular dish is from Korea
What is the capital of Vietnam?
What is the main transportation in Vietnam?
Instead of saying "I love you" this is how they express it
By giving you a plate of fruits
There are this many people on this years Eboard
Chicken feet
China, Cambodia, and Laos
What is the most common family name?
A magical ointment that they swear cures everything
Tiger balm
This amazing event is organized by 3 affiliates, name the event and the 3 affiliates
Mid Autumn and VSA, CASO, KASA
Instead of a pork based broth, this type of ramen gets its flavor from its soy sauce based broth
What is the approximate population in Vietnam?
What is the national flower of Vietnam?
if ___ had ___ _____, ___ can't ____ fun ________
Name all of AASU's affiliates (there are 10)
akdphi, CASO, HEAL, FSA, JCLA, KASA, lphie, SASA, sbr, VSA
known for its paper thin but super duper crispy skin, this pork dish appears at every Filipino party!
Which sea is to the east of Vietnam?
List 5 cities in Vietnam
Answer varies