Which CT module do physicians who interpret CT exams not have the option of meeting/participating in the MOC as an option?
What is CT cardiac interpreting physicians
How many breast MRI scans must be interpreted for physicians that interpret breast MRI who are not meeting the MOC requirement?
PET interpreting physicians board certified before XXXX must:
Document 20 hours of CME in PET
In the past 3 years the following numbers of studies must be interpreted or multi-read: if interpreting cardiac PET exams, at least 20 studies; if interpreting brain PET exams, at least 30 studies; if interpreting oncologic PET exams, at least 80 studies.
If interpreting brain and oncologic PET exams, interpretation must include direct image correlation with CT or MRI. Teaching cases are acceptable with documented interpretation.
What is 2007
How long can a site use a loaner unit without accrediting the unit?
What is less than six months
When do sites receive the "time to renew" accreditation email?
What is 8 months
Which ACR surveyor resembles Simone Biles?
What is Sheena Singal
A CMS site undergoes a CHOW. What is the timeframe they must undergo a full Validation Site Survey?
What is nine months.
What has keys but can't open locks?
What is a keyboard
What does MIPPA stand for?
What is Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act.
How do you get to the ACR Position Statements on ACR website
What are the continuing education requirements for a CT technologist who is ONLY state-licensed?
How many cardiac MRI studies must a Radiologists interpret and what is the time? (continued experience)
What is 50 MRI Cardiac exams in 24 months
What are the only states where we can accept the RAM license in place of the CBNC or COCATS
What are the acceptable licenses for ultrasound technologists?
What do we do when a site tells us they are leaving ACR for another accrediting organization?
What is Add their information on smartsheet and send them the canned language.
Name two of the requirements to be a lung cancer screening center designation.
What is
ACR CT Accreditation in the chest module
Screening protocol meets minimum technical specifications.
Participation in the ACR Lung Cancer Screening Registry
What is the number of acceptable low-volume or emergency-use exams that can be performed outside of a unit's accreditation status for MRI?
What are the acceptable board certifications for medical physicists that perform annual inspections of NM/PET units?
Which mobile unit scenario requires each location to pay full accreditation fees if the mobile locations do not have the same units, interpreting physicians, or scanning protocols?
What is Scenario 1.
How long do sites receive before the testing package must be submitted?
A qualified medical physicist performs annual surveys on the CT units. The physicist falls into the grandfathered category. How must surveys be completed, and between what period to meet the grandfathered requirements?
What are the continuing experience requirements for breast MRI techs?
What are the acceptable board certifications for radiologists who interpret NM/PET?
What are the submodules for the US vascular module?
What is the maximum amount of time a PRN US technologist who is not credentialed work at an ACR-accredited facility?
What is no more than 3 weeks per calendar year. (No more than 2 consecutive weeks).