Social Determinants of Health
Community Assessment
Nursing Role
Theoretical Framework

A place where people take their dogs to play

what is a dog park


What is the name of the legal protection for individuals who do not have the same abilities of individuals in the general population 

what is the Americans with Disability Act


A community that has elected political officials that are responsible for a defined area of land is known as

what is a geopolitical community


The first step the nurse does in caring for a community is 

what is a community assessment


The protective factor that addresses individual characteristics is known as

what is social status


The SDOH that addresses knowledge

What is Education


This population is comprised of individuals who view health as the ability to work. 

what is the rural population


This type of subjective assessment can be made  quickly when you are in a new city, it can even be done from the back of an uber 

what is a windshield survey


This vulnerable population refers to people not from there parts as 

what are outsiders


what are the two perspectives in the Framework for studying vulnerable populations

what is community and population


Nurses are concerned with the holistic view of 

what is health


This group of people are usually thought of elderly however there has been an increase in younger people in this group

what are people with chronic illnesses


Obtaining census data on a community provides what type of information

what is objective data


HIPAA is easily violated in grocery stores and churches with this vulnerable population

what is the rural population


which two protective factors align with the social determinants of health

what is human capital and social capital


The SDOH category that aligns with how people earn a living 

what is work


When visiting individuals in their home, what are three safety considerations for the nurse to take 

what is do not stand in front of the door

do not sit/stand with your back to the door

be aware of where the exit is located


Individuals who provide valuable information about a community are known as

what is a key informant


what broad intervention category is the nurse who speaks collectively for a vulnerable population  

what is advocacy


When a community has access to health and medical care that addresses health holistically, one could surmise that both the community and individuals in the community have

what is well being


The ability to worship freely is an example of this broad category associated with SDOH

what are social relationships


when individuals in a population have a higher risk for poor physical, mental and social health, how would this be reflected in the vulnerable population

the vulnerable population will have higher mortality and morbidity rates when compared to the rest of the population


An outbreak of a contagious disease that has more cases then expected is known as a 

what is an epidemic


The nurse who assists in obtaining resources for an individual who has a disability is considered a 

what is a case manager


vulnerable populations are at risk while vulnerable individuals are

what is susceptible to harm or neglect