Aspects of Vulnerability
Vulnerable Groups
Nursing Interventions
Predisposing Factors to Vulnerability
Outcomes Of Vulnerability
A subgroup of population more likely to develop health problems due to various risk factors, and are more susceptible to negative events.
What is vulnerable populations
Populations such as: the poor and homeless, migrant workers, minorities and newcomers, uninsured, disabled, and those who are severely mentally ill are all examples of...
What is vulnerable population groups
What part of the nursing process needs to be reasonable, manageable, collaborative, measurable, and family centered?
What is outcomes.
A term that can be defined as the diminished capacity of an individual or group to anticipate, cope with, resist, and recover from the impact of a natural or man-made hazard.
What is vulnerability.
What is one outcome of vulnerability that includes a high prevalence of chronic illness, high level of communicable disease, and depressed immune systems?
What is poor health outcomes
Limited control, marginalization, disenfranchisement, disadvantaged, disempowerment, and health risk are all examples of what?
What is aspects of vulnerability
This vulnerable group is at increased risk for communicable diseases due to prostitution, drug use, and the reluctance to seek health care services
What is substance abusers
What level of prevention is used when the nurse promotes support groups for people with mental health disorders.
What is tertiary interventions.
A term used to describe factors or conditions that render an individual vulnerable to a disease or disorder.
What is predisposing factors
An outcome of vulnerability in which an individual perceives demands as greater than the inner and outer resources available for dealing with them. Try to manage life with limited resources, may have unrelenting demands and pressures. Examples include, lack of health insurance,working multiple jobs to make ends meet, single mothers.
What is chronic stress
Aspect of vulnerability that includes loss of power or control over circumstances
What is disempowerment
This vulnerable group has very few resources, and their health care needs are seen as less important compared to their needs for food and shelter
What is the homeless population
Part of the nursing process used to determine if the outcome was met.
What is evaluation.
What two age groups have a predisposing factors to vulnerability?
What is very young and very old
Overwhelming sense of powerlessness and social isolation. Cannot see any light at the end of the tunnel.
What is hopelessness
When health planning focuses on majority and not minority, for example: healthcare may be refused to those who are uninsured due to low income, this is known as what aspect of vulnerability
What is the aspect of disadvantaged populations
This vulnerable group experiences social isolation and decreased or loss of functional independence due to hearing and vision deficits, cognitive deficits, urinary incontinence, and decreased functional status.
What is the elderly population
Nursing interventions to enhance medication adherence applicable to those with chronic illnesses may include what?
What is oral and written reminders, self-monitoring tools, cues, and positive reinforcements by both the nurse and family.
A term used to describe a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities.
What is disability.
One crisis event leads to another, leads to another etc. Vulnerable populations need many collaborative services to deal with all problems of vulnerability not just one.
What is cycle of vulnerability
The process by which groups of people are excluded and often overlooked by the mainstream population
What is the aspect of marginalization
These are considered the "seven A's" of challenges in rural communities
What is availability, accessibility, affordability, awareness, adequacy, acceptability, and assessment
What level of prevention is used when the nurse educates families and community groups about mental health issues, symptoms of stress, and barriers to seeking help?
What is primary interventions.
Can be described as a lack of availability, high cost, lack of insurance coverage that leads to unmet health needs, delays in receiving appropriate care, inability to get preventative services, and hospitalizations that could have been prevented.
What is barriers to health services.
A 40 year old single mother who is raising two small children, and works two jobs to support her family, is experiencing what outcome of vulnerability?
What is chronic stress