The Act from 1862 gave free public land in the western territories to settlers who would live on and farm the land.
What is the Homestead Act
President FDR gave these addresses over the radio to calm the nation during the Great Depression
What are Fireside Chats
This happened on December 7th, 1941
What is the attack on Pearl Harbor
This was formed at the end of World War II to try to prevent future wars
What is the United Nations
Supreme Court decision that segregated schools are unequal and must desegregate
What is Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas
During the half-century from 1871 until 1921, most immigrants came from _________ and ________ Europe
What is southern and eastern
The failed policies of this, led to a contraction in the money supply and fueled the great depression
What is the Federal Reserve
United States military strategy in the Pacific while the defeat Hitler first plan was in place
What is Island Hopping
This Doctrine of "containment of communism" was a guiding principle of American foreign policy throughout the Cold War, not to roll it back, but to keep it from spreading and to resist communist aggression into other countries.
What is the Truman Doctrine
This organization contributed to the Civil Rights Movement by challenging Segregation in the Courts
What is the NAACP
This government policy, popular in the late 19th century (1800s), is a "hands-off" approach, mean little or no regulation of business.
What is laissez-faire economics
These were the territories gained by the United States in the Spanish American War
What is Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines
These trials, conducted at the end of World War Two, put Nazis on trial for their war crimes and ruled that leaders are responsible for their actions during war, and that following orders was not an excuse
What are the Nuremburg Trials
This policy under Nixon began the end of the United States involvement in Vietnam. It was the withdrawing American troops and replacing them with South Vietnamese forces while maintaining military aid to the South Vietnamese
What is "Vietnamization"
This act outlawed literacy tests, sent Federal registrars to the South to register voters, resulted in an increase in African American voters and President Johnson played an important role in the passage of the act.
What is The Voting Rights Act of 1965
Give the industry for each of the titans listed: Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan
What is Rockefeller: Oil, Vanderbilt: Railroads, Carnegie: Steel, Morgan: Finance and later Steel.
This major court case dominated the cultural landscape of the 1920s in a case that pitted science against religion
What is the Scopes Trial
This brutal forced march by the Japanese of American POWs in the Philippines did not follow the Geneva guidelines
What is the Bataan Death March
This crisis occurred when the Soviet Union placed missiles on this island
What is the Cuban Missile Crisis
This conservative Republican President advocated for: • tax cuts • transfer of responsibilities to state governments • appointment of judges/justices who exercised "judicial restraint» • reduction in the number and scope of government programs and regulations • strengthening of the American military.
Who is Ronald Reagan
He believed the way to equality was through vocational education and economic success; he accepted social separation
Who is Booker T. Washington
Name one relief, recovery, and reform act from the New Deal
What is WPA -- relief, AAA -- recovery, reform -- FDIC -- there are more examples
This Battle was the turning point of the war in the Eastern Front of Europe. It prevented the Nazis from controlling Russian Oil fields
What is Stalingrad
The convictions of ________ and ________ and _________ for spying for the Soviet Union and the construction of nuclear weapons by the Soviets, using technical secrets obtained through spying, increased domestic fears of communism
Who are Alger Hiss and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
She was the first female American Astronaut
Who is Sally Ride