What is Buzz's name?
What is Vicky?
How many national champs has VWFH won?
what is 17 times?
What was the score against Harvard in Boston
What is 3-1
What is Boss Babys Real Name?
Who is Joe?
What are Ali Lee's Childrens Names
What is Jacob and Lucy?
Where did krista used to workout
What is orange theory
What does PATS Stand for?
What is
“P” = Personal Responsibility/Passionate
“A” = Attitude/Appreciation
“T” = Time/Trust
“S” = Service/Support
Jaden cant answer. What did jaden used to collect?
What are Erasers
On pink night? what people did we see dressed downtown?
What are the simpsons?
Who did the red sox play when we were in Boston?
Who is The Blue Jays?
What type of company does kirbys family own?
What is a Bowling Alley?
What does CC stand for?
What is Cottage cheese?
Mel Cant Answer: What side of pinnie does mel use in outdoor vs indoor
What is Blue indooor, White Outdoor
Who was the swimming team dressed up as last night
Who is JB?
What is Grants last name?
What is Simpson?
What did kristas university coach call her?
What is Trisca?
What are the three sisters in rising stars Names?
What is Charlotte, Sadie, and Jane?
Libby cant answer: Whos seat did libby sit in in boston?
Who is Zach Bryan
What night was it when dom said he wasnt talking to girls until after nationals?
When is when the team won can west 2023?
What does the AP in AP shutter stand for?
What is Armando and Paul?
How old our our three coaches?
What is 52, 67, and 32?
How much did our team raise at our bake sale last year?
What is $1300?
WHat is the mean girl from waterloos name?
what is Meagan?
What group sings Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
What is Creepy Nuts?
What is a line krista used to always say?