Based on the definition and part of speech, determine the word
adj. Very unpleasant; disgusting
Define the word "revelry"
noisy merrymaking
Make a sentence using the word "smolder"
Answers may vary
replace the phrase "serious and very sad" with a single word from this lesson
Based on the definition and part of speech, determine the word
v. to hurt or damage by cutting into, cutting off, or cutting out.
Based on the definition and part of speech, determine the word
n. Freedom from being harmed or punished
Fill in the blank.
Purchasing a puppy is not something to be done on a ___.
Give a derivative of the word "impede" and tell its part of speech
impediment (n.)
Answers may vary
Fill in the blank.
Plants ___ in a greenhouse.
Determine something lethal
Answers may vary as long it can cause death
Give a derivative of the word "enroll" and tell the derivative's meaning
Derivative: enrollment, reenroll...
Second answer may vary according to the answer of the first
Fill in the blank.
We were filled with ___ when we saw that our car had been towed.
Define the word "stringent"
strict; severe
Fill in the blank.
I was able to ___ my friend when I explained my reason for being late.
Give a derivative of the word "blithe" and make a sentence using it
Derivative: blithely...
Second answer may vary according to the answer of the first
Give the definition of the word "blatant" and make a sentence using it
Definition:Very obvious in an offensive or shameless way
Answers may very
Fill in the blank.
His ___ seemed absurd for one who had accomplished so little.
Define 2 meanings of the word "throng"
n. A large number of people gathered together; a crowd
v. To gather or move in large numbers
replace the phrase "soldiers housed in a protected place" with a single word from this lesson
Fill in the blank.
Health authorities remain ___ for any signs of the epidemic's return.
Give 3 definitions of the word "stint" and tell their part of speech
n. 1. A period of time devoted to a job or some task
2. A limit or restriction
v. To limit or restrict
Fill in the blank.
After a ___ attempt to rescue the kitten stuck in the tree, Monique had to call the fire department.
Fill in the blank and tell 2 meanings of the word filled.
The ___ inside the furniture store is due to the "Going Out of Business" sale.
1. The condition of being overcrowded
2.The condition of being filled with fluid
Fill in the blank.
After acquiring horses in the 1760s, the Cheyenne became ___ buffalo hunters on the Great Plains.
Fill in the blank and the the meaning of the word filled.
Because of his ___ manner, he was able to obtain an interview for the summer job.
Self-assured; bold and confident