What is the main role of the Judicial Branch?
To interpret the constitution and evaluate whether laws are consistent with the constitution
Where does the Washington state legislature meet?
Our capitol city, Olympia
Which government in the world is responsible for the oldest written constitution?
The United States of America
What is the definition of "civics?"
The rights and responsibilities of citizens
In Washington, who decides what to tax, how much the tax will be, and how the taxes collected will be spent?
These are the economic responsibilities of the Washington legislature
Why are there three separate branches of government that share power over our country?
DAILY DOUBLE!!! Name two requirements that public schools in Washington must meet.
Examples of answers:
-Fulfill standards in core subjects
-180 days of instruction (k-8 1000 hours)
-No segregation
What is the democratic principle which allows the Supreme Court to determine if laws made by Congress and actions taken by the President are constitutional?
Judicial Review. Example: Brown vs. The Board of Education where they determined it was unconstitutional to segregate schools.
When we hold Presidential elections, do we directly vote for who we want to become president?
No. We vote for representatives from our state who will vote for the president based on the popular vote. This is called the Electoral College.
How many senators are in the US congress?
Two from each state, so 100
Why doesn't Washington have an income tax?
Washington ruled that income tax must be uniform (the same) for everyone, so an income tax was unconstitutional.
Name two things you can do RIGHT NOW to participate in government!
-Write a letter to a newspaper editor about an issue
-Organize a mock presidential election in school
-Write a letter to your city council or may about an issue
-Volunteer in an election campaign
DAILY DOUBLE!!!!How many electoral votes does Washington have, and what was used to determine the number of electoral votes?
Electoral votes are determined by population. Washington state has 12 electoral votes.
Our government is described as a _______ _________ because the power to govern comes from the people through their elected representatives. (The answer is two words)
Democratic republic
What are the TWO main duties of the governor of Washington state?
1) Commanding the state's national guard
2) Signing bills into state laws
What year was the Bill of Rights written?
What percentage of votes does congress need to override a president's veto?
Congress is able to override a veto with a two-thirds vote in both chambers.
When you try to influence lawmakers to make a specific action
There is a system of government that ensures no single branch becomes too powerful. What is this system called and what are the branches called?
A system of checks and balances. The legislative, executive and judicial branches balance the power of our government.
What is Indian Sovereignty and what are some things the tribes are allowed to do that the rest of Washingtonians are NOT allowed to do?
Indian Sovereignty is the right of the tribes to govern themselves as an independent nation within the United States.
Tribes may open gambling casinos, despite the fact that gambling is illegal in the rest of our state.
Name the FOUR of the five main freedoms given in the First Amendment.
-Freedom of SPEECH
-Freedom of the PRESS
-Freedom of RELIGION
-Freedom of ASSEMBLY
-Freedom(right) to petition the government
What is the name of Washington state's NEW governor, and is he a Republican or Democrat? (He was just sworn in on Wednesday, Jan. 15th!
Bob Ferguson is a Democrat.
Why does the government exist? (AKA What is its main duty?)
The government exists to protect the rights of people.