Stages of Change
Alcohol & Drugs Effects on Body
The Brain and Drug Use
Relationships, Roles, and Relapse Oh My
Whatchya Gonna Do When They Come For You?

This stage requires you to weigh the pros and cons of making a change.

What is the Contemplation Stage of Change?


Cocaine, amphetamines, and methamphetamines are part of this drug class. 

What is a stimulant? 


After repeated use, even cues such as the sight of drug paraphernalia or a beer advertisement can activate small spurts of this chemical.

What is dopamine?


People, Places, and Things

What are triggers?


These are temptations that occur when you are upset emotionally, like feeling sad or worried.

What are negative feelings?


This stage of change includes having no consideration for quitting drug use.

What is the Precontemplation Stage of Change?


Signs of overdose from this drug class include shallow breathing, cold skin, blue lips or fingertips, or loss of consciousness. 

What is an opiate? 


The structure of the brain changes with ongoing use of drugs such that people with an addiction eventually come to regards drugs as crucial to this.

What is survival?


Tim wears several hats, which also means that he has holds several what?

What are roles?


The belief or feeling that you have the capacity to avoid or escape temptation.

What is confidence?


James has adopted new behaviors and healthy coping skills. He can hardly believe it's been more than a year since he has used meth.

What is the Maintenance Stage of Change?


According to Montana State University, alcohol can affect the male reproductive system by causing a reduction in this hormone. 

What is testosterone?


This is the stop system of the brain which allows one to develop self-control and coping skills. 

What is the prefrontal cortex?


This is a return to old behavior and abandonment of using learned coping skills and strategies. 

What is Relapse?


After you brainstorm possible solutions for solving a problem, it's important to weigh these.

What are pros and cons?


James has a plan to reduce his substance use. 

What is the Preparation Stage of Change?


Drinking more alcohol than the liver can break down usually results in the buildup of this substance in the liver.

What is fat? 


This is the 'fight or flight' system of the brain.

What is the amygdala?


This person is closest emotionally to the victim in the family system. 

What is the Chief Enabler?


This comes into your life, sometimes without warning, and while it often invokes negative feelings, it can be solved.

What is a problem?


a feeling of uncertainty or having mixed feelings about something.

What is ambivalence?


Sharing needles can lead to some of the most severe consequences of heroin abuse - infections and blood-borne viruses including these three diseases.

What is Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV?



What is the Basal Ganglia?


This person can bring you support when you are unable to avoid or escape a triggering situation.

What is a Battle Buddy?


When in recovery, having one of these can help you avoid giving in to your temptations. 

What is a battle buddy or sponsor?