Strip club

Your patient is 7cm dilated and her risk factors include oxytocin infusion and an epidural.This is the frequency in which you should assess and document the FHR  tracing

What is assess Q15 min and document Q30 min. 


This med is given as a first line defense for preventing PPH

What is Oxytocin


When PPV is attempting to be initiated and there is no chest rise after the corrective action steps, this is the next intervention 

What is place an LMA 


This is the first sign of magnesium toxicity

What is decreased reflexes


A STAT C/S is called, these are the tasks the WACHU Team should begin while waiting for the OR Team 

What is transport the patient to the OR, place monitors (3 ECG leads, pulse ox, BP cuff), bovie, tilt with wedge, turn suction on, open STAT C/S pack, pull bottles of betadine to prep for splash and go section. 


Abrupt in onset, baseline to nadir < or = to 30 seconds, decrease of > or = to 15 bpm bpm x > or = to 15 sec, but less than 2 minutes. 

What is a variable 


A patient with over distention of the uterus( macrosomia, multiple gestation, polyhydramnios), precipitous labor, full bladder after birth, or oxytocin IOL put her at risk for this

What is PPH


Mask reposition, suction, and open airway are all corrective actions steps referred to as what?

What is MR. SOPA


A patient who has a BP of 166/112 on arrival should have a repeat when? 

What is in 15 minutes


This labor position can help a baby descend from a -3 station 

What is Flying Cowgirl 


Maternal fever, anemia, dehydration, medications such as turbutaline, and maternal hyperthyroidism can potentially be associated with what? 

What is tachycardia 


This med is avoided in a person with asthma 

What’s hemabate 


These should be placed on an infant when a resuscitation is initiated. 

What is a pulse ox and ECG leads. 


A decel occurred during an eclamptic seizure. This is the delivery plan.

What is stabilize the Mom and if no improvement in 10 to 15 minutes then delivery


As soon as possible after a C/S is done, WACHU staff need to do this

What is set the warmer back up 


This FHR pattern becomes concerning if it continues >20 min. We are thinking about fetal anemia, or possibly fetal thumb sucking. This needs to be investigated immediately. 

What is a sinusoidal pattern 


This is the average amount of fluid to fill the Jada balloon up with and this is what the suction should be placed at

What is 120cc and 80mmhg 


You anticipate a resuscitation prior to birth, after alerting the pediatrician, Respiratory therapy, and the Nursing Supervisor for recording, this next step could have another resource at your fingertips prior to birth 

What is initiate TeleICN by calling the transfer center and then logging into the room on the iPad. 


This is the correct procedure for measuring a blood pressure 

What is have the pt rest for 5-10 min prior to taking, arm at level of the heart (use a pillow if necessary), legs should be uncrossed and arm circumference should be measured to ensure correct BP cuff size. 


This flow sheet should be used by the RN when documenting a feeding session so all the details can be accounted for

What is NB PCS, Nutrition, breastfeeding assistance 


This category tracing includes absent variability and any of the following:recurrent late decels, recurrent variable decels, or bradycardia or a sinusoidal pattern. This warrants delivery STAT

What is Category III


These are the four Ts to think about during a PPH

What is tone, tissue, trauma, and thrombin


A segment of cord for cord gases needs to be drawn immediately or the segment needs to be placed on ice if not drawn in what period of time? 

What is 20 minutes


Postpartum preeclampsia is associated with a high risk for what? 

What is a stroke 


Consider this in the case of AFE, prolonged IUFD, sepsis, placental abruption, or HELLP

What is coagulopathy