This god is know for disease and despair
Who is nurgle
The game that inspired blaming chaos for everything
What is vermintide
"I am a god at nobs"
Who is hiedi
What is the Josh battle royale
This is your Dms favorite color
What is red
The island in which the high elves call home
What is ultuan
This game inspired worship of pink flying whale
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"Italy doesn't exists"
Who is katie
In april 14, of 1912 this famous cruise liner sank in the Atlantic
What is the titanic
This is your Dms first reptile
What is a leopard gecko
The common slag term in Ork society
What is a gitz
This typically said after someone leaves the call or goes afk
What is Welp theyre dead
"Im a furry!"
Who is landon
In 2021 this ship got stuck in the suez canal
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This is your Dms favorite flower
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These are names of the two moons in the sky
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This Character inspired extreme speed or know as racecar strat.
Who is vicktor?
"You can turn cobblestone into wood right?"
who is Elena
In may of 2016 this lowland gorilla was killed.
Who is Harambe
Your Dm's favorite Minecraft mod
What is thaumcraft
The skaven worship and fear this being
What is The great horned rat
What is name of singer that sung NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP
Who is Rick astley
Finish the quote __ does not serve, he rules!
Who is settra
In 2020 this disease sent whole world into lock down
what is covid-19
What is your Dm's Favorite Game Series
What is monster hunter