How many world centres are there?
five (5)
How many provinces and territories in Canada have Girl Guide units?
Which country was the first to have a Girl Guide community?
United Kingdom
True or False: You can volunteer or work at one of the World Centres after you turn 18
Name all three Leaders in our unit
Alicia, Alyssa, Kailin
Which continents do not have a world centre?
Australia, South America, Antarctica
How many countries around the world have Guiding communities?
a) 100
b) 150
c) 200
Agnes Baden-Powell
a) 10
b) 7
c) 5
How many units are in the Burnaby Lakes District (Sparks to Rangers)
a) 7
b) 10
c) 4
You've arrived in London and are heading to the World Centre there, what is it called?
Pax Lodge
Why do we celebrate World Thinking Day?
To celebrate Guiding and think about our sisters around the world
When did Girl Guides come to Canada?
Which World Centre opened first?
Our Chalet in 1932
What Area are we a part of?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Area
West Coast
What is the name of the world centre in India?
How many people are part of the Global Guiding Community?
a) 100 million
b) 1 million
c) 10 million
10 million
What was created in 1928 at the 5th International Guiding Conference?
Name 2 world regions of WAGGGS
Europe, Arab, Africa, Asia, Western Hemisphere
How much does a case (12 boxes) of cookies cost?
Where is Kusafiri located?
Currently in Ghana until 2026, but this world centre moved around Africa to different African countries!
Canada, United States, Mexico, India, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Ghana, etc...
What does WAGGGS stand for?
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
What issue does WAGGGS raise awareness about every year with the "16 days of Activism" campaign?
Gender-based violence
What is the level of Guiding called that includes members age 18/19 to 30?
Link (all adults after you reach the age of majority to age 30)