WAIS Subtests
WAIS Indices
Common Disorders
What test (MMPI-3 or WAIS)

This subtest measures evaluates general knowledge and the ability to retrieve factual information from long-term memory. 

What is Information and Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI)?


Aims to provide a more focused measure of an individual's general cognitive ability by combining scores from the Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) and the Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI). It is designed to reflect the core cognitive abilities without the influence of working memory and processing speed for children.

What is the General Ability Index (GAI)?


Working Memory Index (WMI): May be lower due to difficulties with concentration and memory.

Processing Speed Index (PSI): Often below average, as psychomotor retardation can slow down cognitive processing.

Clinical Interpretation: Scores may reflect cognitive fatigue, low motivation, and difficulty with sustained mental effort.

Major Depressive Disorder


A 21-year-old male is being evaluated for ADHD. He struggles to complete tasks efficiently and often forgets steps in multi-part instructions. He performs well in verbal tasks but struggles with tasks that require quick decision-making and memory. What indexes would be be low on?

What are low scores on the Working Memory Index (WMI) and Processing Speed Index (PSI)?


A 35-year-old female facing trial exhibits disorganized thinking and difficulty comprehending the charges against her. Her speech is often tangential, and she struggles to recall basic information related to her case. What test would you use, and what would be significant about it?

WAIS-IV with low Working Memory Index (WMI) and Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI). A low WMI would indicate difficulties in maintaining attention and organizing thoughts, while a low VCI might reflect poor comprehension and communication skills, 


This subtest assesses processing speed, attention, and visual-motor coordination by having individuals use a key to match symbols to numbers within a specified timeframe. 

What is Coding and Processing Speed Index (PSI) ?


This index assesses nonverbal and fluid reasoning abilities, focusing on spatial and visual problem-solving skills. It evaluates how well individuals can analyze and interpret visual information, think abstractly, and solve novel problems without relying heavily on verbal skills. 

What is the Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI) ?


Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI): Typically high, reflecting strengths in structured, rule-bound problem-solving tasks.

Working Memory Index (WMI): May also be high, as individuals with this often have a strong ability to maintain and manipulate information in mind.

Processing Speed Index (PSI): Can be lower due to perfectionism, as they may take longer on tasks to ensure accuracy, reflecting a need for control and attention to detail.

Clinical Interpretation: Scores may reflect a tendency toward rigid, detail-oriented thinking, with potential difficulties in flexibility and speed. High scores in PRI and WMI suggest strong organizational skills, while lower PSI may indicate an overemphasis on perfectionism and fear of making mistakes.

Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder


A 30-year-old female accused of fraud presents as articulate and well-spoken, with strong verbal reasoning. However, she struggles significantly with solving visual puzzles and non-verbal problem-solving tasks, indicating a discrepancy in her cognitive profile. What indexes is she high on?

What are high scores on the Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) and low scores on the Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI)?


A 28-year-old male is undergoing a competency evaluation after being charged with theft. He exhibits impulsive behavior, struggles with problem-solving, and is unable to control his emotions in the courtroom. What test would you use, and what would be significant about it?

MMPI-3. High scores on the Disconstraint (DISC) and Hypomanic Activation (RC9) Scales. Indicate significant impulsivity, risk-taking, and emotional dysregulation, suggesting difficulties with behavioral control and decision-making that could impair his competency


This subtest tests spatial visualization and problem-solving by having individuals arrange colored blocks to match a given design. 

What is block design and Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI)?


This index evaluates an individual’s ability to hold and manipulate information in mind over short periods. It assesses cognitive functions related to attention, concentration, and the ability to process and store information temporarily while performing tasks. 

What is the Working Memory Index?


Working Memory Index (WMI): Often slightly below average due to difficulties with concentration, rumination, and the intrusive nature of anxious thoughts.

Processing Speed Index (PSI): May be lower because of distractibility and cognitive inefficiency caused by pervasive worry.

Clinical Interpretation: High levels can interfere with attention and cognitive processing speed, leading to uneven performance across tasks that require sustained focus and quick decision-making.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder


A 40-year-old male with a history of traumatic brain injury shows difficulties in maintaining focus and processing new information quickly. He struggles with both short-term memory and tasks requiring sustained attention. What indexes will he be low on?

What are low scores on the Working Memory Index (WMI) and Processing Speed Index (PSI)?


A 40-year-old woman, being evaluated for criminal responsibility, shows signs of paranoia, believes she is being persecuted by the legal system, and has difficulty distinguishing reality from her delusions. What test would you use, and what would be significant about it?

MMPI-3. High scores on the Thought Dysfunction (THD) and Psychoticism (PSYC) scales. Indicate severe disruptions in thinking, delusional beliefs, and perceptual disturbances, which are critical in assessing her ability to differentiate reality from delusions at the time of the offense.


This subtest evaluates attention and working memory by having individuals repeat sequences of numbers forwards and backwards 

What is Digit span and Working Memory Index (WMI)?


This index assesses the speed and efficiency of cognitive processing, particularly in visual-motor coordination and attention. This index measures how quickly and accurately individuals can perform simple cognitive tasks under time constraints. 

What is the Processing Speed Index (PSI)?


Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI): Can be notably lower, reflecting impairments in abstract thinking and problem-solving.

Working Memory Index (WMI) & Processing Speed Index (PSI): Often significantly lower, reflecting difficulties with attention, memory, and processing speed.

Clinical Interpretation: Cognitive deficits may be more pronounced during certain phases of the disorder and may reflect disorganized thought processes.



A 55-year-old female being evaluated for early-onset dementia displays a noticeable decline in her ability to complete tasks requiring information. Verbally she is fine, but she struggles with everyday functioning due to slowed cognitive processing. What indexes would she be low on?

What are low scores on the Processing Speed Index (PSI)?


A 19-year-old male charged with assault has a history of poor academic performance, difficulty understanding complex concepts, and struggles with basic verbal communication. What test would you use, and what would be significant about it?

WAIS-IV with low Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) and Processing Speed Index (PSI). A low VCI would indicate challenges with verbal reasoning and comprehension, while a low PSI would reflect slower cognitive processing.


This subtest measures abstract verbal reasoning by asking individuals to explain how two words or concepts are similar. 

What is Similarities and the Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) 


This index measures an individual’s ability to understand, use, and analyze verbal information. It assesses aspects of verbal reasoning, language comprehension, and the ability to express oneself verbally.

What is the Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI)?


Working Memory Index (WMI): May be affected by emotional instability and difficulties with concentration.

Processing Speed Index (PSI): Can be lower, particularly during periods of high emotional distress or dysregulation.

Cognitive performance may fluctuate with emotional state, and scores may reflect impulsivity, mood swings, and interpersonal sensitivity.

Borderline Personality Disorder


A 23-year-old male claims to have an intellectual disability to avoid legal consequences. His WAIS profile shows average verbal and non-verbal reasoning skills but considerable difficulties in tasks requiring sustained focus and memory. What would his WMI, VCI, and PRI scales look like?

What are low scores on the Working Memory Index (WMI) and average scores on the Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) and Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI)?


A 29-year-old female being evaluated for an insanity defense presents with rapid mood swings, severe depression, and a history of impulsive behaviors. She struggles to control her emotions and maintain stable relationships. What test would you use, and what would be significant about it?

MMPI-3. High scores on the Negative Emotionality/Neuroticism (NEGE) and Hypomanic Activation (RC9). NEGE would indicate significant emotional instability and mood dysregulation, while a high score on RC9 would reflect impulsivity and erratic behavior.