What year was the treaty signed?
Who was the treaty signed by?
British and maori
What does the word "Treaty" mean?
A treaty is an agreement between two or more groups of people or countries.
What date was the treaty signed?
6 February
How many people signed the Treaty of Waitangi on 6 February 1840?
On 6 February 1840, 43 Māori chiefs and representatives of the British Crown signed the Treaty.
What does the term "taonga" mean in the Treaty?
Taonga means treasured things, such as land, language, culture, and other important possessions.
When was the first Waitangi Day officially celebrated as a public holiday?
Who was the British representative that helped create the Treaty of Waitangi?
Captain William Hobson was the British representative who helped write and sign the Treaty.
What does "partnership" mean in the context of the Treaty?
Partnership means working together and respecting each other's rights and responsibilities, as the Treaty aimed to create between Māori and the British Crown.
How long did it take for the Treaty to be signed by everyone who eventually agreed to it?
It took seven months for the Treaty to be signed by more than 500 Māori chiefs across New Zealand.
Who were the first Māori chiefs to sign the Treaty?
The first Māori chief to sign the Treaty was Hone Heke, a leader of the Ngāpuhi iwi.
What is the "Crown" in the Treaty of Waitangi?
The Crown refers to the British monarchy or government, which represented Britain in signing the Treaty.
How long ago was the treaty signed?
185 years
Who helped translate the Treaty into Māori?
Henry Williams, a missionary, and his son Edward Williams helped translate the Treaty into Māori.
What does "sovereignty" mean, and why was it important in the Treaty of Waitangi?
Sovereignty means the power to rule or govern. In the Treaty, Māori chiefs agreed to give sovereignty to the British Crown.