This is how often these clients need a face-to-face visit.
What is monthly?
This is how often these clients need a face-to-face visit
What is monthly?
This is another name for ADT.
This is the day number of the effective date of ALL ISPs.
What is 1st?
This is the first step to change a service on a cost plan.
What is change your role?
This is how often these clients need a home visit.
What is every three months?
This is how often these clients need a home visit
What is every three months?
This is another name for job coaching.
What is life skills development 2?
This is the form that should accompany the ISP in iConnect and to providers.
What is HCBS?
This is who all cost plans should be sent to after all services are changed.
Who is Amanda Price?
The typical number of hours per week of supported living allowed
What is 5?
This is how the client's res hab level is determined.
What is the QSI?
This is another name for companion.
What is life skills development 1?
This is the number of days between HCBS forms.
What is 364?
These are the services that will typically trigger a review of the cost plan by the region.
What are res hab moderate and above, supported living, and many hours of personal supports?
This is one of the main forms an SLC will use to determine if a consumer qualifies for a stipend or start up funding.
This is the SECOND step in transitioning a client to res hab.
What is request a new budget?
This is the TYPICAL number of hours approved for LSD 3 if the client goes 5 days per week, 6 hours per day.
What is 1440?
This is who should be invited to the support plan meeting.
What is whoever the client wants?
This is what needs to happen to tell the cost plan that this service belongs to this plan.
What is link/unlink?
True or False: The SLC can be the client's rep payee.
True...with APD permission.
This is the last step to be completed BEFORE a client can move into the group home.
What is send a service authorization to the provider?
True or False: All life skills providers should provide an annual report to the waiver support coordinator.
What is false? LSD 1 is not required to provide an annual report.
This is the date of the month when the ISP should be put into iConnect.
What is no later than the 10th?
This is the form that should be completed when adding a new service that the consumer has never had before.
What is a VAS?