The Grateful Dead
The Punic Wars
Baseball Parks
Turkey / Turkey

This good boy is the nephew of Scooby Doo

Who is Scrappy Doo?


Fans of the Grateful Dead are known as this

What are Deadheads?


This is the capital of Italy, whose citizens fought against the Carthaginians in the Punic Wars

What is Rome?


This ballpark where the Chicago Cubs have played since 1914 shares its name with a brand of chewing gum

What is Wrigley Field?


This is what turkeys say

What is gobble gobble?


This cartoon character is known as The Big Red Dog

Who is Clifford?


The Grateful Dead were founded in this "Golden Gate Bridge" city in the 1960's

What is San Francisco?


The Carthaginian general Hannibal crossed over the Alps mountains to invade Italy with the help of these huge, tusked animals

What are Elephants?


The Braves began playing in Fulton County stadium after moving to Atlanta from this midwestern city

What is Milwaukee?


This person typically "pardons" a Turkey each year on Thanksgiving, letting it go free instead of eating it

Who is the President of the United States?


This is the name of the siberian husky who led the team of sled dogs transporting vaccines in Alaska

Who was Balto?


Ben & Jerry's sells a flavor of ice cream named after Grateful Dead guitarist Jerry Garcia and features a red fruit "on top"

What is Cherry Garcia?


This is the name of the island where the Punic Wars started, which is shaped like a triangle being "kicked" by the boot of Italy

What is Sicily?


Fenway Park, home of the Boston Red Sox, features a very tall, colorful left field wall known as this

What is The Green Monster?


The country of Turkey was known as this from c. 1453-1919

What is the Ottoman Empire?


The dog in the movie "Babe" was this breed. (William & Kena both had this type of dog growing up.)

What is a Border Collie?


In 1994 the Grateful Dead were inducted into this Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio

What is the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame?


The ancient city Carthage is now known as Tunis and is the capital of this north African country

What is Tunisia?


This baseball team's former stadium was known as "The House that [Babe] Ruth Built"

Who are the Yankees?


The Apostle Paul was born in this city in what is now Turkey

What is Tarsus?


This very long haired hound is named for one of the "stan" countries in Central Asia

What is the Afghan hound?


One of the final Grateful Dead concerts was held in 1994 at The Omni in this southern capital city

What is Atlanta?


After the Punic Wars were over and the capital city Carthage was destroyed, this common edible mineral was spread over their farmlands so that nothing would grow there again

What is salt?


This British pop band played their final live concert at the Giants' stadium, Candlestick Park, in 1966. 

Who are The Beatles?


This 10 year long war on the coast of modern-day Turkey is the focus of The Iliad

What is the Trojan War?