What country was Marina born in?
Whose nose was 15-year-old Marina fascinated with?
Brigitte Bardot's
What were Marina's parents called?
Danica and Vojo
After coming back from the outback, Marina and Ulay performed "Gold found by the artists". They fasted and drank only these two drinks in the evening
fill in the gap with the verb:
He ____ sepsis / cataract / a drinking prblem
Who primarily raised Marina during her early years?
her grandmother
What happened after Ulay stood up and left again during the "Gold found by the arists"?
Ulay was so worked up that Marina hadn't left with him that he slapped her
What was Marina and Ulay's dog called?
How long did the performance "Gold found by the artists" last?
a) 19 days
b) 16 days
c) 8 days
16 days
What is unusual about the noun "still life"?
the plural form is "still lifes" (not "lives"
Which moment of betrayal marked a significant turning point in Marina and her father's relationship?
The moment she entered a room and saw her father kissing another woman. Marina says that it was the first time she realised that that love was something separate from family, and it shattered something in her
Where did Ulay hide the money they finally got on the day of Imponderabilia performance?
in the tank of the toilet
Who was Marina named after?
Her father named her after the woman he was in love with - a nurse. He wanted to marry her but instead married Danica
In the chapter about Australia, Marina mentions the Rainbow Serpent. What is it?
the all-power creator god who lives around the water holes
Translate the phrase
Лучи солнца струились сквозь листья
The sunrays were streaming / filtering through the leaves
What was one of the strict rules Marina's mother enforced, even when she was an adult?
Apart from incessant pain and Ulay's unexpected behaviour, what (or rather who) disturbed Marina during the piece "Gold found by the artists"?
a Balkan man, asking her "How are you, Marina"? She was deeply disturbed by his behaviour. So much so, that she asked the curator of the performance to hire a guard
What did Ulay's Australian name Tjungarrayi mean?
Dying eagle
What did the Aborigines use to wash themselves instead of water?
ashes from their fires
translate the phrase
заслуженный герой войны
decorated war hero
What goverment position did Marina's mother hold?
Director of the Museum of the Revolution and Art in Belgrade
What happened when Marina and Ulay went to the outback for the first time?
They were turned down by Philipp Toyne - the activist lawyer in Aboriginal land rights so they couldn't go and live with Aborigines as they intended to
Who was Neša Paripović?
Marina's first husband
What new performance did Marina and Ulay conceive, when they were in the outback?
Walking the Great Wall of China, starting from opposite ends, and meet in the middle, where they would marry
a phrasal verb meaning "сдавать кого-то" (властям, полиции)
turn sb in