Spring Inspection
Fall Inspection

These clean spaces must be kept like this each and every day.

What is a Leasing Office, Mailbox area, and Dumpster area?


These hard-as-a-rock things must be cleaned, clearly marked, and in good condition.

What are asphalt, concrete, curb stops, and painted curbs?


The hot water heaters are drained every 2 to 3 years in order to remove this.

What is calcium?


To avoid the entire complex from burning to the ground, this should be checked each fall.

What are the smoke detectors?


This 'trash'-y job is done to ensure nothing gets overly dirty, and once again, must be done every day.

What is trash pickup?


Safety concerns and cleanliness are of the upmost importance in this watery zone.

What are the pools and spas?


You must test this detector, otherwise you could end up falling asleep and not waking up.

What is a carbon monoxide detector?


To avoid leaks, running toilets, and other types of plumbing mayhem, the following should be performed.

What are testing angle stops, flushing each toilet, and running all facets?


The area next to the dumpster must be this.

What is clean and free of dirt and debris?


This room is made for cleaning things you wear, and must be checked and cleaned twice a week.

What is the laundry room?


These are good for getting rid of fires, but also must be checked annually in the spring by recording the date on the tag.

What are fire extinguishers?


These should be replaced if applicable. They help keep you warm and the temperature stable.

What are heater and A/C filters?