Staff Gossip
Staff Time Off
Your Time Off
Personal Problems
you over hear some staff (that you are friendly with) talking about how they don't like another staff because of their appearance what should you do?

What is, explain to them that its wrong to judge people based on their appearance. And give them alternatives on how to better get to know that person.


Staff invite you to hang out with them on their time off. What should you do?

It is ok to spend time with staff during time off, as along as they are not underage drinking or breaking any laws/rules, and you feel you can still adequately supervise them. 


you are on your time off and see that some counselors not on their time off are posting on social media. What should you do?

If it is first offense, talk to staff member directly. If it is a reoccurring problem, talk with CJDG. Feel free to wait until you are not on your time off.

your friend is part of your staff, how should you treat them?

The same as everyone else.


I hate bugs. what should you not do?

turn it into everyone's else problem. 


You hear that  staff member 1 has said that Staff member 2 is dumb and bad at their job. Staff member 2 is now upset and saying bad things about staff member 1, what should you do first. 

Get to the bottom of the story. Most likely this story isn't 100% true or true at all. 


Staff tell you they are having a group outing with their village, but they plan to leave out one person on purpose. You might do not really like the counselor they are leaving out personally. What is the right way to handle the situation. 

Explain to the staff, that it is their time off to use how they want. But intentionally leaving someone out to hurt their feelings is bullying. They may need to re think their approach. 

You walk into a bar and see underage staff, what do you do?

walk out of said bar, inform CJDG.


Your favorite staff does something wrong, what should you not do?

A) don't have favorites.

B) not give consistent/fair consequences. 


I hate one of my staff members for their political views, how should to manage this?

As long as they are doing their job to the fullest, we should respect them and treat them equally. 


You hear another coordinator gossip with a general counselor. What should you do first?

Talk to that coordinator, hold each other accountable.


You get invited to a staff party, but according to the person inviting you all the staff their are going to be of age.

The best plan is to still not go, because you can't guarantee that everyone will be of age. And what if you are with them and they all come back to camp drunk? But if you feel confident it will be a law abiding rule following situation, then it is your choice. 

You are hanging out with your friends from home, and they are underage and you buy them alcohol and they put it on the internet What have you done wrong?

A) purchased alcohol for minors.

B) let be put on the internet. 


Another coordinator who you are really close with is not treating their staff fairly. What is your first step

Hold that coordinator accountable, seek help from CJDG if needed.  


You're having relationship problems, what do you not do?

tell all your staff and put your problems on them.

Let it effect your job. Grayle will always listen if you need a friend. 

You hear that two counselors have started dating, what do you do with this information? 

Nothing, as long as the relationship is appropriate and consensual you should simply keep that info to yourself and not further spread info that isn't yours to share.  


What do you do if you see pictures of underage staff drinking on their time off on the internet?

Tell CJDG. While it sucks, putting pictures on the internet makes it forever.


You are on your time off and see a coordinator smooching a general counselor. what should you do?

Hold that coordinator accountable, and report to CJDG.


You see staff posting on social media about drinking underage, but it was just once and you thin they're funny and fun and a good counselor. What do you do?

Still report it to CJDG, putting on the internet makes it a problem.


You need to vent about a situation, who do you vent to?

vent lateral, to your peers in an area that you will not be overheard.

Up, to CJDG

out, to friends and family outside of camp. 


you over hear CJDG talking ( not gossiping, just discussing staffing) about some staff, what should you do if some of the info you hear them talking about is incorrect?

Wait until they are done talking and then approach one of us to correct the information. As long as you know it be true and not a rumor


You are on CQ and your friend comes back to camp drunk/high. What is the right thing to do?

Report it to the DOD, coming back to camp drunk or high when you are supposed to be responsible for children is bad and could endanger children and staff. 

You are on your night off and drank too much, it is 11:25 and you are still drunk, what should you do?

A) not be that drunk, better manage your alcohol intake in the future.

B) Call Grayle and tell them you are going to be late.


You loooooveee one of your staff, they are the best at their job and you want to give them all the gifts. Should you?

As long as their reward for doing their job is equal and consistent with how you would treat others. 


One of my staff is bullying me, spreading's rumors about me, what should you do?

Address the situation head on, try to talk with that staff member about how their actions make you feel, and see if you can get to the bottom of the problem. If you need assistance or a mediator ask Gayle.