Describe one thing that Dialectics teach us?
• There is always more than one way to see a situation and more than one way to solve a problem.
• All people have unique qualities and different points of view.
• Change is the only constant.
• Two things that seem like (or are) opposites can both be true.
• Honor the truth on both sides of a conflict. This does not mean giving up your values or selling out.
• Avoid seeing the world in “black-and-white,” “all-or nothing” ways.
What two things help us get to the middle path?
Acceptance and Change
recognition or affirmation that a person or their feelings or opinions are valid or worthwhile.
Describe the CBT triangle
Thoughts, Feelings and Behaviors are all connected and influence one another.
The middle path helps us do what?
• Expand your thoughts and ways of considering life situations.
• “Unstick” standoffs and conflicts.
• Be more flexible and approachable.
• Avoid assumptions and blaming.
Name one of the seven ways you can "think" and "act" dialectically?
Move to “both–and” thinking and away from “either/or” thinking.
Practice looking at all sides of a situation
Remember: No one has the absolute truth.
Use “I feel . . . ” statements, instead of “You are . . . ,”
Accept that different opinions can be valid
Check your assumptions.
Do not expect others to know what you are thinking.
Validation is not?
What do we not want to validate?
the invalid
What is invalidation?
the process of denying, rejecting or dismissing someone's feelings. Invalidation sends the message that a person's subjective emotional experience is inaccurate, insignificant, and/or unacceptable.
When is invalidation helpful?
When it corrects information
When it stimulates intellectual conversation or promotes growth
Name 4 thinking mistakes
All or Nothing Thinking
Discounting the Positive
Mental Filter
Emotional Reasoning
Should Statements
Mind Reading
Fortune Telling
What does validation help with?
Creating closer connection
Deescalating conflict
Reduce Anger
Increase possibility of problem solving
What can we do if we do not get validation from others?
Validate Ourselves!
What word is important in dialectics?
Why is the word "and" important in DBT?
It promotes the ability to acknowledge difficulties and move forward with positive changes/ solutions rather than be stuck.
To get to the middle path we have to have A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and C_ _ _ _ _
Acceptance and Change