Behavior Change
DBT Extra Credit

What does dialectical mean?

Two opposing truths can be true at the same time.

There is always more than one way to see a situation and more than one way to solve a problem.


What are some examples of behaviors to increase?

Healthy/Joyful movement, saving money, going to school, doing homework, spending time with friends and family, using skills


Define validation

Validation communicates to another person that his or her feelings, thoughts, and actions make sense and are understandable to you in a particular situation.


Name the Three States of Mind

Wise Mind, Rational/Reasonable Mind, Emotional Mind

What does DBT stand for?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy


What is an example of being dialectical?

Answers May Vary - Group Discretion


What is a reinforcer?

Reinforcers are consequences that result in an increase in a behavior.


Define Invalidation. 

Invalidation communicated (intentionally or not, through words or actions) that another person's feelings, thoughts and actions in a particular situation make no sense, are manipulative, stupid or an overreaction, or not worthy of your time, interest or respect.


Name 2 benefits of mindfulness.

1. Give you more choices and control over your behavior.

2. Reduce your emotional suffering.

3. Help you make important decisions.

4. Help focus your attention.

5. Increase compassion.

6. Lessen pain, tension and stress


True or False: An invalidating social environment can make it very hard to regulate emotions


Daily Double: What is the reason invalidation does this?


Name 2 Hints for Thinking/Acting Dialectically 

1. Move to both/and thinking.

2. Practice looking at all side of the situation.

3. Remember there are no absolute truths.

4. Use I feel statements.

5. Accept that different opinions can be valid.

6. Check your assumptions.

7. Do not expect others to know what you are thinking. 


What is positive and negative reinforcement? HINT - Negative does not mean the behavior decreases.

Positive Reinforcement: increases the frequency of a behavior by providing a "rewarding" consequence.

Negative Reinforcement: Increases the frequency of a behaviors by removing something negative; it is a relief from something unpleasant. 


Why do we validate?

Validation improves relationships. It can decrease conflict and intense emotions. It shows that we are listening, we understand, and we are being nonjudgmental.


What are the "what" skills?

Observe, Describe, and Participate


True or False: You can fail at DBT

False - You cannot fail at DBT! It just means DBT is not the right treatment for you.


Explain why we focus on dialectical thinking in DBT.

Answers may vary - group discretion.


What is extinction? 

Extinction reduces a behavior by withholding previous reinforcement. When attention is reinforcing, ignore the unwanted behavior.


What is the most important thing about validation that we need to remember?

Validation does not mean we agree with the other person/ourselves. Just that we can understand and see the kernel of truth in that POV.


What are the How Skills?

Nonjudgmentalness, One thing at a time, and effectiveness.


Being mindful means being in the ___ moment.



Name the biggest dialectic in DBT

The balance between Acceptance and Change.


What is punishment? (Hint- This is probably what you were thinking a negative reinforcer was)

Punishment is a consequence that results in a decrease in behavior. It tells another person what you don't want him or her to do.


What do we validate?

Thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in ourself and others.


Share an example of a time you were being mindful over the last week.

Answers may vary - group discretion.


This is when your emotions are in control-when they influence and control your thinking and your behavior.

What is Emotional Mind?