Phantom Tollbooth Trivia
Wall-E in Dictionopolis
Wall-E in Digitopolis
Character Parallels
Event Parallels

He wrote this book!

Who was Norton Juster?


Finish this quote by the captain: "I don't want to survive! I want to ___!"

What is "live"?


The directive number sent to all the autopilots by Shelby Forthright. This number appears in every single Pixar film to date.

What is A113?

Rhyme and Reason have long been associated with groundedness, as in the expression "down to earth". Wall-E finds this infamous object on Earth near the beginning of the film. 

What is a plant?


Milo didn't see the point in learning at the beginning of the book until a tollbooth appeared in his room. Wall-E remained lonely for centuries on deserted Earth until this happened.

What is a spaceship landed?


According to Ordinance 175389-J, it is illegal to do this in the Doldrums. 

What is think?


The two-word phrase that appears when M-O detects something dirty and his head siren pops up

What is "foreign contaminant"?


The futuristic year when the movie takes place

When is 2805?


Chroma the Great controls all color in the Lands Beyond by conducting his color symphony orchestra. Meanwhile, on the Axiom, this paint-bot is in charge of keeping the color fresh on the ship. 

Who is VN-GO?


Eve flies Wall-E with the plant quickly to escape the steward-bots who try to stop them from saving it. On the other hand, this character helps get Milo and the princesses to safety from the Demons of Ignorance by flying, as well. 

Who is Tock?


After pronouncing Milo and Tock guilty of causing confusion in the word market, Officer Short Shrift sentences them both to prison for this many years.

What is six million?


Before the Define Dancing scene (Wall-E and Eve's romantic dance in space), the Captain asks the Axiom's computer to define these two words. 

What are "earth" and "sea"?


The number of years the Axiom cruise was initially supposed to last

What is 5?


GO-4 may be little, but he is more sinister than you might think. He tried to stop Wall-E and Eve from saving the plant by putting it in a self-destructing escape pod. In the Lands Beyond, though, this small demon misdirects Milo, Tock, and the Humbug and instead leads them into a sticky pit.

Who is the Demon of Insincerity?


Once Milo and his crew returned from Ignorance, all the armies of the Kingdom of Wisdom joined forces to defeat the Demons of Ignorance once and for all. On the Axiom, the passengers cheered the Captain on as he shut off Auto after doing this. 

What is standing up and walking for the first time?


Before heading to Infinity, Milo asks the Mathemagician what the biggest and longest numbers are. The Mathemagician responds by showing him these two numbers. 

What are a 3 and an 8?


The first word/phrase Wall-E says in the film

What is "Ta-dah"?


The number of EVE probes on the AR-V spaceship when Wall-E first arrives on it 

What is 5?


The Mathemagician will always disagree with his brother, King Azaz. The Mathemagician is a number enthusiast who will always stick to logic and statistics, just like this president of Buy N' Large whom the Captain is determined to rebel against. 

Who is Shelby Forthright?


Wall-E accidentally used Eve's shooting arm to break the reject-bots free from the repair ward. In the Valley of Sound, to free the sounds from the Soundkeeper's fortress, Milo started off a cannon by saying this word.

What is "but"?


The Everpresent Wordsnatcher may be a nuisance, but is not a demon, for he moved to the Mountains of Ignorance from this place unseen in the book. 

Where is Context?


When Eve and Wall-E first meet, Eve asks Wall-E for his directive in these three different languages before finally arriving at English. 

What are German, Japanese, and Swahili?


The year when Captain B. McCrea became Captain 

When is 2775?


The Captain's computer helps him define words, just like King Azaz's cabinet. Name all five members of the cabinet. 

Who are the Duke of Definition, the Minister of Meaning, the Earl of Essence, the Count of Connotation, and the Undersecretary of Understanding?


In the Axiom's commercial center, passengers can change the color of their day-suits by pushing a button instantly, drink their food out of cups, and enjoy the BnL luxury. The Lands Beyond has the word market in Dictionopolis, in which you can buy and make your own words. Milo considers buying these three words.

What are quagmire, flabbergast, and upholstery?