Walruses live in this cold, icy place.
the Artic
Walruses have these long, sharp teeth.
Walruses use their whiskers to find this food in the sand.
Walruses are related to these two other animals that live in the sea.
seals and sea lions
Walruses are big, but they are hunted by this Arctic predator.
Polar Bears
Walruses spend time in this big body of water.
the Ocean
Walruses have stiff, bristly ones of these on their faces.
Walruses eat animals that live in this part of the ocean.
Walruses like to rest together in large groups called this.
Walruses use these long teeth to protect themselves.
Walruses like to rest on these floating pieces of ice.
Walruses can weigh as much as this heavy object.
a car
Walruses eat mostly clams but also sometimes eat these squishy sea creatures.
Walruses make loud noises, including this sound, to communicate.
Walruses stay safe by staying together in big groups called this.
Walruses live near the coasts of these icy places.
Greenland or Alaska or Artic
Walruses’ tusks can grow up to this long.
3 feet
Walruses use this body part to suck the meat out of clams.
their mouth
Walruses use their big, strong flippers to do this.
If a walrus feels threatened, it will do this in the water.
swim away or dive
Walruses love cold water because they have this thick layer to keep them warm.
Walruses use their tusks to do this when climbing onto ice.
pull themselves up
Walruses can dive deep to find food. They can hold their breath for this long.
30 minutes
Walruses’ whiskers help them find food, but they also use them for this.
feeling their way around
Walruses’ thick blubber protects them not only from cold but also from this.
bites or attacks