Normal Attack
Yuuban Meigen
The Wanderer was originally from..?
First appeared in which event? (as Scaramouche)
Unreconciled Stars in Version 1.1
Elemental Skill
Hanega: Song of the Wind
Which position did he hold in the Fatui Harbingers? (as Scaramouche)
In which Sumeru quest does Scaramouche appear in Haypasia's vision of a 'god'?
The Gaze From A Certain God
Which character likes to call the Wanderer 'Hat Guy'?
Character Trailer
Wanderer: Ashes
Elemental Burst
Kyougen: Five Ceremonial Plays
Wish when entering Irminsul
'I wish I'd never been born at all.'
In which quest did the Wanderer cast off his previous identities and erase himself from the world's memories?
Inversion of Genesis
'There is no such thing as pure freedom in this world...'
'...Even the wind cannot blow on forever.'
Collected Miscellany
Collected Miscellany: Any Way The Wind Blows
First Constellation
Shoban: Ostentatious Plumage
Raiden Shogun abandoned him at/in...
Shakkei Pavilion
What is the name of Scaramouche's giant robot?
Shouki no Kami, the Prodigial
Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom
Second Constellation
Niban: Isle Amidst White Waves
The Wanderer's tiny doll was made by who?
First Archon Quest to feature the Wanderer?