Invention by James Watt which improved transportation & factory production
What is the steam engine?
This conference divided Africa among European powers
What is the Berlin Conference?
Enlightenment philosopher that argued for natural rights
Who is John Locke?
What is the Self-Strengthening Movement?
1776 document, inspired by Enlightenment ideals, formally declared independence from Britain
What is the Declaration of Independence?
19th-century system divided labor & increased efficiency in factories
What is the factory system?
French writer who proposed seperation of powers in government
Who is Baron de Montesquieu?F
Group of English workers that destroyed textile machines to protest industrialization
Who are the Luddites?
What is the Haitian Revolution?
The process of moving from rural to urban areas due to industrialization
What is urbanization?
This war between Britain & China fought over trade imbalance & drugs
What is the Opium War?
This phrase "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" was a slogan of this revolution
What is the French Revolution?
Taiping Rebellion attempted to overthrow the Qing Dynasty in this country
What is China?
Simon Bolivar led the independence movements of this continent
What is South America?
This German economist wrote The Communist Manifesto w/ Friedrich Engels
Who is Karl Marx?
What is the Boxer Rebellion?
This nationalist leader helped unify Germany in 1871
Who is Otto von Bismarck?
The Russian czar emancipated the serfs in 1861
Who is Alexander II?
Meiji Restoration of 1868 overthrew this ruling class in Japan
Who were the Tokugawa shoguns?
Economic policy which advocated minimal government interference in business
What is laissez-faire capitalism?
What is the Russo-Japanese War?
This Italian nationalist led the Red Shirts & helped unify Italy
Who is Giuseppe Garibaldi?
Rebellion influenced by reforms in China
What is the Taiping Rebellion?