Bit of everything
Reasons for this event

French to english:

La Patrie en Danger

What is Homeland in danger?



1. Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good.

2. The aim of all political association is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man. These rights are liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression.

What was the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen?  DORMAC. 


King wanted to reach Austria and gain help from Austrian Emperor Leopold II, and be in a stronger and safer position to negotiate his status with the CA.

King was a religious man and was against the CCC.

What was the Flight to Varennes?


The main revolutionary leader who didn't want war. 

Who was Robespierre?


 The sans-culottes are best known for their use of mob_____________

What is violence?


Do you hear, in the countryside
The roar of those ferocious soldiers?
They’re coming right into your arms
To cut the throats of your sons, your comrades!

What is French National Anthem?  War Song for the Rhine Army:  Nickname ‘La Marseillaise’, 


Threatened to invade Paris if Louis XVI was harmed

Demanded Louis’ freedom

Confirmed the public’s belief that Louis was leading a counter-revolutionary conspiracy

What was the Brunswick Manifesto?


King had delayed ratifying August Decrees and DORMAC – the people thought he was planning a move against the revolution.

Rising bread prices - grievances

People wanted King to move from Versailles to Paris

What was the Women's March to Versailles?


France declared war on 20th of April, resulting in France fighting with these two countries. 

Who were Austria and Prussia?


For the most part, they were democratic, egalitarian and wanted price controls on ______ and essential commodities.

What was food/bread?


Those in Coblenz, attempted to organise counter-revolutionary armies. These armies were beset with problems, however, and their early military ventures ranged from ineffective to disastrous.

Who were the émigré?


Changed the dioceses to have the same limits as the new departments (:. 83 dioceses)

State was now the head of the Church, not Pope – Pope’s right to appoint clergy was replaced by a system of elections

What was the Civil Constitution of the Clergy?


This incident  on 17th July 1791 was the result of the king’s flight to Varennes and the National Constituent Assembly’s response to it, which fuelled republican sentiment, protests and petitions in Paris.

What was the Champ de Mars Massacre?


War would eventually destroy any ............. of 1789.

What is consensus or unity? 


Result of fear and hysteria that Austrians would capture Paris

S-C attacked the prisons and killed all those who were held there, with the notion that they were counter-revolutionary.  Total of 1200-1400 died.

What was the September Massacres?


What is the monument to the Swiss Guard in Switzerland?


27 November 1790 degree

What was the Clerical oath?


Brunswick Manifesto caused two violent  insurrections whereby

650 Swiss were massacre

90 fédérés and 300 Parisians (urban workers) dead

The remaining Swiss guard were imprisoned and slaughtered


What were the second  invasion of the Tuileries palace 10th of August 1792 and the September Massacres?


On (April 1792) when ---------- Deputies instigated a revolutionary war with France’s neighbour Austria.

Who were the Girondins?


10th August 1792.

Violent invasion of the Tuileries palace resulting in the death of approx 600 Swiss Guard? 


What was the Temple, the last place the Royal family were imprisoned? 


What was Constitution of September 1791?


September Massacres would bring what would become an instrument of terror to stop the arbitrary justice of the Sans-culottes, but also satisfy their blood lust.  This would be made up of three judges.  

What was the Revolutionary Tribunal? 


He proposed:

OAbandonment of the Constitution of 1791

OThe overthrow of the Monarchy

OThe establishment of a National Convention elected by universal male suffrage to replace the legislative assembly

OA purge of the departmental authorities, many were royalists.

Who was Robespierre?  


Who was the Princess Lambert?