This class is the only class in the game to have four different specializations.
What is Druid?
First visited as a raid during Burning Crusade's beginning, this particular raid was revisited as a dungeon during Legion.
What is Karazhan?
This dungeon within Stormwind can have its three bosses fought in any order - but it's true final boss is Hogger.
What is the Stockades?
This desert zone is where the raid to fight Al'akir is located, as well as an invasion from N'Zoth.
What is Uldum?
Finish the quote!
"Did someone say ___________, _______ ____ of the ____ _____?"
What is 'Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Wind Seeker?'
Such a popular strat to the point it became a talent for Yrel in Heroes of the Storm, this Paladin-exclusive escape made it pretty easy to escape in PVP.
What is Bubblehearthing?
Sorry guys, before you answer this question, I have to play through this raid twice.
In Warlords of Draenor, one dungeon made one of WoW's most iconic memes come alive - awarding them as an ally for your garrison. This ally was...
Who is Leeroy Jenkins?
Although the region to its left would be turned into a crater by a giant sword stabbing the planet, -this- zone was a crater before it was cool.
What is Un'Goro Crater?
This small little town in Elwynn Forest has an unfortunate stereotype due to the Moon Guard RP server.
What is Goldshire?
As of 8.2, this is the only race in the entire game (Allied Races and base races included) to not have access to a single cloth class.
What are Highmountain Tauren?
Although many would argue Ulduar's final boss is Yogg-Saron, it's -true- final boss is in truth this mysterious being sent by the Titans.
Who is Algalon the Observer?
This dungeon includes the quote, "That's what I do, Zoggosh. I think good."
What is the Iron Docks?
This leveling zone featured an out-of-character moment from Garrosh regarding honor and casual terrorism!
What is Stonetalon Mountains?
Extending his hand in an offering of peace, Baine brought Jaina her brother, undead and risen against his will, during the Fourth War. In her outrage, assuming Baine taunting her, she asked this statement in blinded anger.
What is Daelin Proudmoore? (The Bomb this time?)
Classic World of Warcraft had many things that didn't last even beyond it's first expansion - Priest racials were one of them. Touch of Weakness, Shadowguard, Devouring Plague - one of the Horde Priest racials is missing!
What is Hex of Weakness?
Although better known nowadays in Battle for Azeroth for being a really annoying boss late in Nya'lotha, Ra'den was fought in raid format before once already. This raid kept him as its greatest secret.
What is Throne of the Thunder?
This dungeons first boss has a different line on approach depending on if your difficulty is on Normal, Heroic, or Mythic.
What is the Coin Operated Crowd Pummeler?/What is THE MOTHERLODE!!
Tongue and cheek as the WoW devs often are, this Battle for Azeroth zone cleverly hid a treasure in open sight that was a reference to Winnie the Pooh. This zone was...
What is Stormsong Valley?
This title was rewarded to the first to ring the gong of Ahn'qiraj and open the gates to the halves of the raid for their server.
Hero classes, in all their uniqueness, also skip a small part of the leveling grind for one simple reason - as of Shadowlands, they start not at level one, but rather at level _.
* Note: Pandaren & Allied Race DK's do not count.
What is Level 8?
In the Trial of Valor, Odyn stands pridefully, eager and ready to test champions to send at Helya. But as with every story, there is always that less-then-memorable middle...
Who is Guarm?
Exile's Reach ends in a dungeon, you know! Do you remember the tutorial as well as you think?
What is Darkmaul Citadel?
Within this zone is the Nova Shrine easter egg - a memorial to the then-cancelled Starcraft: Ghosts.
What is Netherstorm?
This oddly named gear was used only briefly during Nazjatar as current content before being left behind in favor of Corruption gear the following patch.
What is Benthic Gear?