Where did the first cylinder mentioned in the book land?
Horsell Common
Which day did the majority of the Londoners find out from the newspapers about the Martian invasion?
Where did the narrator first meet the artilleryman?
In his garden
What did the Martians need to survive?
Blood from living animals/humans
Where did the narrator and artilleryman go after they left the house?
To Weybridge
How did the Martians reproduce?
Through budding
What was the name of the woman in the carriage who refused to listen to the narrator's brother?
Mrs Elphinstone
What was the first thing the Curate said to the narrator?
You have been asking for water for the last hour
The narrator was surprised that the 'dominant feature of almost all human devices' was absent from the Martian's machinery. Which feature was this?
The wheel
What was the 'refrain' of the people at the crossroads?
Way! Way! The Martians are coming!
What injury did the Curate sustain when the house collapsed?
A cut on his forehead
What did the Martian howl as it passed the narrator just after he was thrown from the dog cart near Maybury Hill?
Aloo aloo
What was the name of the child which the narrator's brother tried to comfort at the crossroads?
What were the two qualities which the artilleyman first stipulated the members of his hypothetical colony should have?
They should be able-bodied and clean minded