5th, 6th, and... 7th
The Charge Phase
Big Guns Never Tire
Relics of the 41st Millenium
Extremely Niche Trivia

This edition almost killed 40k.

What is 7th edition?


The maximum distance you can be from an enemy unit and still be eligible to charge.

What is 12"?


The most famous weapon from the 40k setting.

What is the Bolter?


The sword wielded by Roboute Guilleman during the Era Indomitus.

What is the Emperor's Sword?


These characters from the 7th edition Horus Heresy supplements can change their wargear to reflect battles in lore.

(Any one character is acceptable for the full answer)

Who is Sevatar/Ferrus Manus/Corvus Corax/Perturabo/Fulgrim?


This was the best value for AP in 5th-7th edition.

What is 1?


The stratagem you play when you want to charge an enemy unit that charged the same turn.

What is Heroic Intervention?


The biggest war engines available for almost every faction are known as...

What are Titans?


The scythe wielded by Mortarion.

What is Silence?


This vehicle was a command vehicle that had front and side armor 14, but rear armor 10.

What is the Dais of Destruction?


This special rule's only effect was to give another special rule to the unit.

What is Zealot?


The charge range of all non-Daemon units during the turn they arrive from Deep Strike or Strategic Reserves.

What is 9"?


In 10th edition, this weapon rule gives a weapon an additional number of shots depending on distance from target unit.

What is Rapid Fire?


The weapon that is wielded by the current Forgefather of the Salamanders.

What is the Spear of Vulkan?


In this 7th edition formation, Warbosses gained +1 weapon skill.

What is the WAAAGH! Council?


This weapon type required the unit using it to not move in order to fire, even if it was being used by a vehicle.

What is Ordnance?


The reason why charge distance is (distance to enemy unit - 1").

What is Engagement Range?

With one exception, every single ranged weapon this squad can use has Devastating Wounds.

What are Sternguard Veterans?


The gun used by Ghazghkull Mag Ur Thraka.

What is Mork's Roar?


In the 7th edition Horus Heresy supplements, this rule from Nathaniel Garro, Tylos Rubio, and Knight-Errants would grant Victory Points for killing an enemy Primarch.

What is Oath of Moment?
This was the only way field a 301 model squad in 7th edition.

What is the Green Tide formation?


This is the only thing defined as a "charge bonus".

What is fighting first?


With this type of weapon, units that are not within Engagement Range of a Vehicle that is locked in combat can shoot said vehicle with no penalty.

What are Pistols?


The Executioner Greatblade wielded by Aleya.

What is Somnus?


Despite being said to be more powerful in lore, this weapon is strictly worse that the weapon it replaced in 7th edition, unless used against an Armor Value of 13 or 14.

What is the Laer Blade?