TRUE OR FALSE: Khorne is a demon primarch
Who are space communist's
what faction are known as bugs?
Who is the emperors executioner?
What is: Leman Russ
Which legions are Redacted?
What is: II and XI
The demention that is "hell" and allows psykers to manefest energy?
What is: The Warp
who have SHOVELS!
who are space communists
Who killed Sanguinius?
what is:Horus
who is to dumb to know who this question is about
Who betrayed the emperor first?
What is: Horus
who got shovel charged and preached at
Khorne bezerker
who dalk like dis
Da Orky bois
What faction kills every imperialistic that sees them who are imperialist's themselves?
Grey Knights
is bo gay
No, but steven is.
Mortarian is Primarch of what legion?
What is: The Death Guard OR XIV
who da baby blueberry
robot gullyman
who did drugs as a child
dark eldar
What is the ecclesiarchy?
What is: the Imperial church
which faction does Liam hate most
think heretic ...
don't sleep on the rock that makes you old
lionell jhonson
who has the plot armor currently and forever
robot gulliman (nothing to do w/ xenos)
whom sits on the golden throne
da emporor
who cracked their phone screen due to anger?
WhY DiiD yOu PuncH mE