WH if questions
Talk about picture for 30 seconds
Choose the correct vocabulary to complete the sentence.
Present Simple or Present Continuous
Past Simple or Past Continuous

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

If I could change one thing about the world, I would change...... because....


What was happening in this photo? (Try to use both past continuous and past simple in your 30 seconds speaking activity.)



Our chess ______ is in an important _________.

a. pencil/glue

b. online/internet

c. club/competition

d. subject/study

c. club/competition


You can keep my iPod if you like. I ____ it any more.

1. am not using

2. don't use  

2. don't use  


One action was happening when another action happened. Please one verb into past simple and the other in past continuous.

Susie _____ (watch) a film when she ______(hear) the noise.

Susie was watching a film when she heard the noise.


If your house was on fire (all people and animals are safe), what 3 things would you want to save?

If my house was on fire, I would save ...., ...., and ....


What is happening in this photo? Imagine you are there, try using present continuous in your 30 seconds speaking activity.)



Art is a _______ that I like to _______ .

a.  geography/science 

b. subject/study 

c. test/university

d. geography/science

b. subject/study


Jane: "What _______you ____ right now?"
Mary: "I'm trying to fix my computer."

1. are/ do

2. do/do

3. are/doing

4. does/ doing

3. are/doing


One action was happening when another action happened. Please one verb into past simple and the other in past continuous.

They _____(have) dinner when the police ____(come) to the door.

They were having dinner when the police came to the door.


What would you do if you saw a person stealing (shoplifting 入店行竊) from a store?

If I saw someone stealing from a store, I would....


What was happening in this photo? Imagine you were there. (Try to use both past continuous and past simple in your 30 seconds speaking activity.)



 I quite like _______, but I prefer _______.

a.  English class/art

b. test/university

c. club/competition

d. subject/study

a.  geography/science


What's the best way to invite a friend to your party?

1. Are you coming to my party?

2. Do you come to my party?

3. Do you like to come to my party?

4. Would you like to come to my party?

4. Would you like to come to my party?


One action was happening when another action happened. Please one verb into past simple and the other in past continuous.

 When I _____ (walk) into the room, everyone _______(work).

 When I walked into the room, everyone was working.


If you could only eat 5 foods for the rest of your life, what 5 foods would you choose?

If I could only eat 5 foods for the rest of my life, I would choose............


What is happening in this photo? Imagine you are there, try using present continuous in your 30 seconds speaking activity.)



 To complete the activity you will need _____ and _______.

a. computer/ mouse 

b. subject/study 

c. run/ jump

d. scissors/glue

d. scissors/glue


Sorry, Emiko can't come to the phone right now. She ....... a bath.

1. takes

2. is taking

3. does take

4. is take 

2. is taking


One action was happening when another action happened. Please one verb into past simple and the other in past continuous.

He ______(work) in a bank when he _____(meet) his wife.

He was working in a bank when he met his wife.


If you were walking through the forest and you suddenly saw a black bear, what would you do?

If I was walking through the forest and I saw a bear, I would.....


What was happening in this photo? Imagine you were there. (Try to use both past continuous and past simple in your 30 seconds speaking activity.)



If my sister does well in her _______ she will go to ________.

a.  math/science 

b. test/university

c. cooking/restaurant kitchen

d. subject/studies

b. test/university


My parents always ....... green tea for breakfast, but I don't like it.

1. are drinking

2. drinking

3. drink

4. drinks

3. drink


One action was happening when another action happened. Please one verb into past simple and the other in past continuous.

 Why ___you___(cry) when I _____(arrive)?

 Why were you crying when I arrived?