Bluestar’s warrior name
What is Bluefur
The first deputy of Riverclan and the second leader
Who was Night/Nightstar
The First Medicine Cat of ShadowClan
Who was Pebbleheart
WindClan leader before Tallstar
Who was Heatherstar
The last Leader of Ancient SkyClan
Who was Spiderstar
Killed Firestar
Who was Tigerstar 1
The RiverClan cat who was killed by Mapleshade
Who was Appledusk
The leader of ShadowClan who Stepped down from Lung Cancer
Who was Gray Wing
Who was the first medicine cat of WindClan’s six fingered son
Who was Spider Paw
The Cat who was leader of SkyClan when they left the forest
Who was Cloudstar
Scourge’s mother.
A cat who came to RiverClan so he could be with his mate and kits, got exiled, and went back to his old clan.
Who Was Graystipe
The first deputy
Who was Sun Shadow
Was Moth Flight the Medicine Cat who found out about the Moonstone
The Cats who brought SkyClan back
Who were Firestar and Sandstorm
The Second leader of ThunderClan’s father
Who was Tom
The RiverClan leader at the beginning of ”Crookedstar’s Promise”
Who was Hailstar
What killed Sun Shadow
What are Dogs
The second leader of WindClan
Who was Gorsestar
The warrior name of the cat who told them what happened to Ancient SkyClan
Who was Skywatcher
Killed Bluestar
What are Dogs
The last leader of RiverClan so far
Who is Icestar
What is the name of the cat who stood in the forest watching and not helping at all when Shadowstar lost her eighth life and Sun Shadow died
Who was Quick Water
The Main Character who died In WindClan
Who was Gray Wing
The cat who was the second leader of skyclan and the second deputy too.
Who was Sparrow Fur/ Sparrowstar