What is Ms. Viechec's favorite food?
Which TWO schools in Pittsburg has Ms. V taught at?
Heights & Hillview
How many siblings (brothers & sisters) does Ms. Viechec have?
What year was Ms. V born?
What are Ms. Viechec's THREE favorite sport teams?
49ers, Warriors & Giants
What TWO subjects does Ms. V teach?
Warrior Success and Computer Science
Where do Ms. V's parents live?
South Carolina
Where was Ms. Viechec born?
What is ONE of Ms. Viechec's favorite things to do after school?
Go to the gym
What sport did Ms. V play in Jr. High and High School?
True or False: Ms. Viechec is married to the P.E. Teacher from Foothill Elementary?
Pennsylvania, Tennessee & California
What is Ms. Viechec's favorite place to vacation?
How long has Ms. Viechec taught at Hillview?
12 years
True or False: Ms. Viechec has 3 kids.
What grade did Ms. Viechec teach when she taught at Heights?
4th grade
What is Ms. Viechec's favorite thing to do in her free time?
Compete in Spartan Races and/or hike
True or False: Ms. V graduated High School as the Valedictorian (she had the highest grades of her entire graduating class)?
True or False: Ms. Viechec is the youngest of 3 children.
If Ms. V didn't become a teacher, what 3 jobs did she want to try?
Architect, Marine Biologist or Computer Scientist