What does it mean to include others on the playground?
Not creating clubs that only specific people can join. Letting anyone and everyone play with you!
If you see someone alone, ask them to play.
What should you be doing the last 5 mins of lunch?
Sitting at a level 0.
cleaning your area
waiting to line up.
What voice level should you be in the bathroom?
What is the hallway voice level?
What is the voice level in the classroom?
The teacher will direct you and let you know if it is a level 0, 1 or 2.
What does it mean to be safe on the playground?
Hands and feet to yourself
Use equipment appropriately
Remain in sight at all times
Are we allowed to share food?
What does it mean when the matrix says "privacy" in the bathroom?
No looking through the stalls, under the stalls or over the stalls.
Give space to others in the restroom.
How should you walk in the hallway?
level 0 facing forward hands and feet to self.
If you have a question or have something to say what should you do?
Raise your hand.
What is something you are responsible for when you line up after recess?
Get in line quickly
Take in what you brought out
Put your equipment away
What should you do if you need to get out of your seat for any reason?
Raise your hand
What is the purpose of the restroom?
Get in do your business and get out!
If you are walking in the hallway by yourself and not with your group what is the expectation?
walking feet
level 0
get where you need to go do not make any pit stops!
Should you bring any toys or items from home?
No! Not unless specified by the adult that you may!
What do you need to do if a teacher calls out secure?
You need to line up quickly so we can get inside for a lockdown.
What does it mean to be responsible in the cafeteria?
Clean your space
Eat your food only
Get what you need before sitting down
What do you do if you see water on the floor?
Clean it up. If there is an overflow of water tell an adult.
Why is it important to be a level 0 in the hallway?
Being aware of our learning environment. Others are working in the classrooms and may even be working in the hallway.
What happens if you keep bringing items from home and have been asked not to multiple times?
The adult may take the item, contact parents, put in a Synergy report, notify the office.
The adult may request that your parent come and pick up the item.
If you refuse to line up with the grade when the whistle blows what will happen?
You will get a Synergy referral, you parents will be called and the office will be notified.
What do you need to do if we have a lockdown- out of sight in the cafeteria?
Level 0
lights off
go behind the lunch ladies in the room and close the door.
What do you do while waiting to use the restroom?
Where do you stand?
Voice level?
How many people in the restroom at one time?
Stand in line at a level 0 near the cafeteria. There should only be 4 students in the restroom at one time.
What happens if you are in the hallway and there is a lockdown out of sight drill?
Try to get into the nearest classroom ( if the door is open) if not, go into the restroom and hide- feet up on the toilet and stay very quiet.
Listen and follow classroom rules and procedures. Clean up after yourself, on task behavior.