The meaning of:
kittypet, twoleg, thunderpath and sharing tongues
What is:
pet, human, road, and grooming each other?
Mrs. Schultz believes that the "Clan Brother/Sisterhood" is similar to this other group of people.
What is the US military?
The names of 2 kittypets mentioned in the book.
Who are Rusty, Smudge, Barley?
Name 2 activities that accompany mourning for a deceased cat.
Answers may vary, but likely include:
Sharing tongues, laying with the cat, staying awake all night, burial.
Erin Hunter
Who is the author of Warriors?
clamor, caterwaul or calamity
What is the sound made by an irritated cat?
What is caterwaul?
In an allusion to the Lion King, who would be like SCAR - the evil uncle?
Who is Brokenstar?
The name of 2 ThunderClan apprentices.
Who are Graypaw, Firepaw, Ravenpaw, Sandpaw, Dustpaw?
The meaning of this quote on page 86, "He felt embarrassed by his kindness."
Answers may vary, but likely something like this:
Firepaw had a difficult time finding balance between his kind heart, and his warrior ways.
Examples: Hurting Yellowfang and feeding/caring for him.
Protecting Smudge and defending his clan.
The person who said, "You must either live with us and respect our ways, or return to the Twolegplace and never come back. You cannot live with a paw in each world."
Who is Lionheart?
The word given to this definition - poke someone with a finger or other sharp object to get them to move.
What is prodding?
It is possible that the high rock at the Gathering is an allusion to which place in the Disney Universe?
What is Pride Rock?
What do these cats have in common?
Spottedleaf, Runningnose, Yellowfang
What is "They are all Medicine Cats?"
Give one example of CONFLICT within a character in this book.
Answers will vary, but will likely include:
1. Ravenpaw keeping the secret of Oakheart and Redtail.
2. Firepaw keeping the secret of Tigerclaw.
3. Firepaw and his struggle for RIGHT and EXPECTED behavior.
Name 2 of the foliage mentioned in the book.
Answers might vary, but will likely include:
Gorse, lichen, heather
For 400 points, give BOTH vocab words:
1. marked with spots or round patches
2. To give the impression that something bad is going to happen.
Mrs. Schultz drew a comparison between the "Gathering" and this real time in history.
What is the 1941 Christmas Truce?
Place these in order of deputy chronology.
Tigerclaw, Redtail, Lionheart
What is Redtail, Lionheart, and Tigerclaw?
The name of the character who uttered Cylus' favorite quote, "I don't need anyone to care for me."
Who is Yellowfang?
The action by Bluestar that felt more like a reward than a punishment.
What is "making Firepaw her apprentice?"
If A = lumbering; B = heather; C = acrid;D = craggy
Give the letters in order:
1. a purple shrub
2. moving in a slow, awkward way
3. rough and uneven rock face
4. a bad smell
What is B A D C?
Name 1 other allusions to other literature, movies, etc.
Answers will vary, but will likely include:
1. Lion King - shady brother takes over and everyone starves.
2. Lion King - Family ends the reign of evil.
3. Lion King - main character has to "find his place in the world."
Name 2 ThunderClan Elders.
Who are Halftail, Smallear, Patchpelt, One-eye, and Dappletail?
What is at the Moonstone or at the Mothermouth?
What is 7?