Rest Room

True or False: On the bus ... It is ok to throw your trash out the window of a school bus to keep the bus clean. 



Student runs into the classroom a minute after the bell rings and begins playing tag with a student. What should the student have done instead? 

A. Talk with their friends until the teacher calls them to attention.

B. Enter silently before the bell rings and begin the warm-up. 

C. Continue to chase your friend who stole your pencil from last class. 

B. Enter silently before the bell rings and begin the warm-up.


Always walk on the _________ of the hallway and move quickly and quietly. 

a) Left Side

b) Right Side

c) Down the Middle

Always walk on the Right Side of the hallway and move quickly and quietly. 


Lunch is ate in _____________

The Great Hall lunchroom. (Not the hallway and not the classroom.) 


When going to the restroom, all students must have a _____________.  



True or False: You need to let people sit by you on the bus. 



When students want to answer a question, what is the proper way to do it? 

Student should raise their hand, wait to be called upon, and then participate.  (Also, make sure no one is talking while you are talking.) 


A student had to go to the bathroom during class and sees his friend at the other end of the hall. They decide to say hi by screaming down the hallway while classes are going on. 

What should the student do differently?

The student should not be yelling in the hallway as this interrupts other classes. 


True or False: A student can use their cell phone at lunch. 

False - Students cannot use their phone during lunch. 


Students should not ask to use the bathroom during the first ____ minutes of class and the last ____ minutes of class

15 minutes


A student likes to sit in the back of the bus and will cut in line and push people out of the way while loading the bus.  

How is this unsafe? 

Pushing people going up or down the bus steps is dangerous as someone could fall. 

It is not polite to cut inline. 

Keep body parts to yourself. 


A student needs to go to the bathroom, so they screams out across the class: I NEED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!  

What should the student do instead? 

They should have followed their teacher's bathroom expectation. Most likely, they should have raised their hand and ask to go to the bathroom after the teacher called on them. 


When moving from one class to another students should take the ______________ route. 

Shortest or Quickest


A student got a school lunch and decided to not eat much of it. The student left it on the table when lunch was released and went to class. 

What should the student have done instead? 

The student should have cleaned up their lunch and thrown away all trash before they left for the classroom. 


The bathroom that you use should be the one ____________ to your classroom. 



True or False: The school bus is considered school property and school grounds?  



A student is having a conversation across the classroom while the teacher is going over a problem.  

What should the student do instead? 

The student should pay attention to the teacher and try and learn what the teacher is trying to teach! Students can talk to their friends outside of class time. 


All students should have a hall ________ when moving from one destination to another.



What should a student do if they spill something in the cafeteria? 

a. Walk away fast, hoping no one saw them spill it!

b. Blame the other kid. 

c. Tell an adult and help clean it up

c. Tell an adult and help clean it up. 


You should not ask to go to the bathroom or anywhere else more than __________ per class. 



What does it mean to say that riding the bus is a "privilege", not a "right"? 

This means that if you do not behave on the bus then your guardians will have to provide your own form of transportation to get you to and from school (since you have lost your privilege.) To reagin privelages your family will have to go to bus school on Saturday.  If you lose bus privileges that includes using a bus for a field trip. 


A student's cellphone rang during class and he answered it. 

What should the student had done instead?

The student should of had the ringer turned off during class and had their cellphone in their back pack. They can call the person back after school. 

This is why we have voicemail! 


A student likes to come to class after the bell rings as she likes to talk to her friends in the hallway.  They have received several warnings from the teacher over the past few days to not be late again.  The students came in late again today and will have to face the _____________.

A. Consequences

B. Friends

C. Her make up work



All students have to be in the Great Hall for lunch during their lunch period except ___________.  

- When going to the bathroom but then return to lunch. 


- Are with an adult in a supervised area. 


Before leaving the bathroom throw away all _____________.  
