What are rules?
Rules are where you have to follow that command.
As a worker should you troll?
Where can you find the cafe?
The cafe is located on the left side of the carwash next to the Warehouse and close to the race track entrance.
How do you check your quests?
Click the little adventure map on the left side of your screen.
In the Lower Rank or Entry Team what the most common rank, mid common rank and least common rank?
Most common, Junior Operator . Mid common, Head operator. Least common, Senior Operator.
What is the most common ways (3) to break the rules in Washiez car wash
blockingnthe exit, Booth trolling, getting a troll avatar and flipping cars over and getting them stuck in the wash
How do you get promoted from either trainee to Junior Operator, Junior Operator to Senior Operator, Senior Operator to Head operator?
Attend trainings in the Training Center and pass the training to where you will be promoted, or pay in Rank center
Does Washiez have a dark secret?
What’s the Washiez Rules?
No Ramming, No cutting, No trolling, No blocking.😀
What’s on the staff menu?
Scroll DownThere’s 4 buttons where you choose the warning reason. On the left it’s says for you to put the user and how many warnings they have. On the bottom right is a ”Warn User”, a “Jail user”, and a “Call Management” button.
Are the Washiez cafe seats usually full?
Ofc not every goes by drive through 👍👍👍☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️💰💰💰💰🪙💵💵💵💵💵💵💵🇺🇸
What are the 2 sections of the quests?
Daily, Milestones
What’s the most wanted rank as a Head operator.
Shift Leader
What is most annoying to troller?
When a JD+ comes into the server and despawns your car which makes it a lot harder to troll And if you jail evade your P banned
How do you get promoted to trainee?
1. join the Washiez Group 2. Join the application center 3. Pass the quiz.
Who is the Vice chairman and chairman of Washiez?
Vice Chairmen:TheMagikMan12
What can (LT) Leadership team do?
Work at booths, Work at the cafe, Restocking the wash, Access to Staff Menu, promotions, commands.
What’s on the tablet for taking someone order?
There is a username typer where you type the orderer’s order and put in the order they want by opening the section of type of food they want by clicking it and click the item they want to order. Click place order and they have to accept it to process the order.
What can quests give you?
Money and Skill
How many ranks are there’s at Washiez? (Not including deleted ones)
How do you break every single rule in Washiez? (Which are ramming, trolling, cutting, and blocking)
Ramming, Just ram cars or ram the exit gate and get in the wash going the other way. Cutting, just cut cars in line. Trolling, bypassing the chat filter, flipping cars. Blocking, Block the exit, get stuck in the wash on purpose and stay there.
What ranks can promote you?
Intern corporate+
Names the steps to doing the crate glitch
There are multiple answers. Which rules are true?
(A) Troll skins and flipping cars.
(B) Doing crate glitch as worker getting cars unstuck
(C) No ramming.
(D) cutting isn’t allowed.
(E) Blocking anywhere except in Washiez area
(F) saying bad words.
(G) ramming workers in the way.
(H) standing right in front of the workers.
(I) Disrespecting anyone.
(J) yelling “MOVE OUT THE WAY” or “MOVE”.
(B), (C), (D), (E),(H) (J)
Is it hard to get a job let alone not using robux Shift Leader+?
Absolutely not it takes forever to even get to Shift leader☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
What stations does Washiez Cafe have?
5 Registers, freezer, ice cream, pick up station, ice station, blender, fruit, smoothie dispenser, cup and mug station, donut frosting station, cookie toppings, and 5 ovens
Are quests easy?
Ehhhh. Most are a bit hard, a bit are easy, quite a lot is easy, some are really hard.
What is every group of ranks called in order.
Cr (Customer Rank), Lr (Lower Rank), Mr (Middle Rank), Hr (Higher Rank), Ct (Corporate Team), LT ( Leadership Team)
Why is trolling fun?
It creates funny scenes and everyone gets mad.🤬
What number rank would you be in the first rank of that group (ex Lr). (Hint there are 5)
5th rank, 9th rank, 13th rank, 16th rank, and 20th rank.
Where is the secret key
It could be in 8 different locations.
1. Does a staff member like when someone breaks the rules?
2.Do trollers like someone or themselves break the rules?
1. No
2. Yes
It’s the final question that I had to work on. From everything in here do workers still troll?
Only sometimes
What everything on the menu?
Chocolate icecream, Vanilla Icecream, Strawberry Icecream, Cookie Dough Icecream. Chocolate Chip cookie, sugar cookie,
What’s the hardest and easiest quests?
Hardest: Crate refills
Easiest:going through the wash
What is every current rank at Washiez?
Guest, Customer,Contributor, Allied Representative, Trainee, Junior Operator, Senior Operator, Head Operator, Shift Leader, Supervisor, Assistant Manager, General Manager, Junior Director, Senior Director, Head Director, Corporate Inturn, Junior Corporate, Senior Corporate, Head Corporate, Chief Human Resources Officer, Chief Public Relations Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Administrative Officer, Developer, Vice Chairman, Chairman
How many “Famous” Washiez trollers are there?
About 10-
What days are promotion batches
Who gave me inspiration to make this?