Who was the Secretary of Treasury under Washington?
Alexander Hamilton
What 2 countries tried to get the newly formed U.S. to join in their war?
England and France
Who was the 2nd president of the United States
John Adams
What was the Democratic-Republicans view on how to interpret the constitution?
believed in a strict interpretation of the constitution. If it wasn’t written in the constitution you cannot do it.
What political party was Thomas Jefferson a part of...
Who was the First Supreme Court Justice under George Washington
John Jay
What device was being used to behead people in the French Revolution?
Which political party was Alexander Hamilton apart of?
What political Party was John Adams apart of?
Which Cabinet member deals with foreign affairs and policy?
Secretary of state
Who thought Political Parties would split up the nation?
George Washington
What was the XYZ Affair?
An event that made Americans almost go to war with France after the French diplomats wanted a bribe from the Americans before they were allowed to see the French Foreign minister
What territory was available for Americans to move into and start new states?
The Northwest Territory
Why was the capital moved to Washington D.C.
So that the Southern States would support Hamilton's financial plan!
Why did the Southern States not support Hamilton's Debt plan?
They had already paid back most their debt and didn't want to have to pay for the North's debt
What's the point of Alexander hamilton's economic plan?
Give the new country some credit and establish financial stability
What Document gave the British "favored nation status"?
Jay's Treaty
What caused Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality?
It was in response to the WAR between France and England
What were the Alien and Sedition Acts?
limiting immigrants, speech, and the press. Laws that went against the first amendment of the constitution and restricted the rights of immigrants
What were the three things in Washington's Farewell Address?
1. Stay out of other countries political affairs
2. Don't have permanent Alliances
3. Don't have political parties
What is the major purpose of the President's cabinet?
offer advice on important issues
What's the Federal Judiciary Act?
It established the nation’s federal court system
Who urged John Adams to “Remember the Ladies”?
Abigail Adams
What did the French diplomats demand from American representatives in the XYZ Affair?
$250,000 and a $12 million loan
What was the Whiskey Rebellion?
An event showed that the new government under the constitution was strong enough to put down violent riots that were burning down buildings