Dental, Vision, Hearing
Medical, Pharmacy
Behavioral, Mental
Home Care, Care Manager

Is Routine Dental covered by UHC

No, dental is only covered when billed for medical services


Do you need a referral to see a Specialist



What to do if you have a Behavioral Health Crisis 

You are always covered for a behavioral health emergency


Are detailed examinations covered for pregnant women who are on bupropion (Wellbutrin) or who smoke cannabis?

There is inadequate evidence to support the clinical utility of a detailed examination for other than amniotic band syndrome and known or suspected fetal anatomic abnormalities so ultrasounds are not covered for pregnant women who are on bupropion or who smoke cannabis without any other indication listed within the policy.


Can a Care Manager help arrange your health services 

Yes they can work with your physician, behavioral health specialists and outside agencies, and coordinate your doctor appointments.