When should the Bestview Cover Sheet be completed by CM and be mailed out to clients?
A. When mailing the DHS 2828B Notice of Action.
B. When CM cannot contact a person to schedule initial or annual visits.
C. When CM need to mail out any of the paperwork listed on page 2 of the Bestview Cover Sheet.
D. All of the Above
E. None of the Above - Only as Needed
D - All of the Above
Bestview Cover Sheet should ALWAYS be completed & be mailed out to the person and/or their guardian each time you mail something to them.
Coordinated Services & Support Plan
What is the email subject line template when CMs are making requests to case aides (through CA support email) to mail out paperwork?
Ex. 082 Mail Out SV 01234567
How many days does a Bestview CM have to enter billable activities?
A. Within 3 business days of billable activity
B. Within 5 business days of billable activity
C. Within 10 business days of billable activity
D. None of the Above
A - Within 3 business days of billable activity
How many units must CMs authorize for Bestview for CM paraprofessional in a year?
60 units per year
Medical supply providers need to sign DHS 6791D and submit signed form to CM if the person is getting supplies or medical equipment through that provider.
Home delivered meals, CDCS Support Planners, CDCS FMS, medical supply providers, and transportation providers do not need to sign DHS 6791D.
County of Residence
Per our CCB Allocation Authorization SOP, how many hours max can a CM authorize for respite care - 15 minutes without going through the allocation committee for approval?
4 hours per day
What are the 4 "C's" that are considered billable activities in SSIS?
Client Contact, Collateral Contact, Coordination, & Consultation
1. Person's Last Name, CSSP ID#, New Service Year
This DHS form MUST always be completed by CM and be mailed to the CDCS participant and/or their guardian to confirm the participant's CDCS actual budget.
DHS 2828B Notice of Action
Home and Community-Based Services
How long does a CM have to mail out the CSSP for a person after their annual visit?
Completed CSSP need to be mailed out by the last day of the person's waiver span end date to be within compliance.
8 minutes
What are the required information needed in the body of the email of the SA request?
Person's full name
Person's DOB
Person's PMI#
CM# (if not in the signature line)
Edit information (if applicable)
What form is completed by DD CM to request for allocation increase or services for a client who is already on the DD waiver?
A. DD Waiver Request Form
B. DD Waiver Change Request Form
C. DD Waiver Allocation Form
D. None of the Above
B - DD Waiver Change Request Form
Intermediate Care Facilities for Persons with Developmental Disabilities
(Home licensed to support 4 or more people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities or type of level of care)
No. Night Supervision must follow CBSM guidelines and the CM makes the final determination about service approval. Doctors and other medical professionals cannot order waiver services and are not trained in waiver program service criteria.
When should a CM use the red paperclip to case note for a client?
A. When the person is homeless
B. When the person is in the nursing facility, hospital, or in jail
C. When CM worked on the person's case for less than 8 minutes
D. All of the Above
E. Both B and C
E - Both B and C
For homecare services such as skilled nurse visits, home health aide, and registered nurse/licensed practical nurse, what information need to be included in the service notes section?
What form is used to request for county funds for Day Support Services, Employment Services, and Transportation for individuals on Rule 185?
County Funded DSS/ESS Funding Request Form
Intensive Residential Treatment Services
(time limited residential treatment for individuals with mental illness)
There are 4 phases to the E1MN Employment services process.
Name all 4 phases AND identify the phase when VRS is involved with job search and stability services.
Engage, Plan, Find & Keep
VRS assists during the "Find" phase.
For a CM with a full caseload of 30 or more cases, what is the Bestview expectation of billable activity hours monthly?
120-125 hours per month
How do you authorize Merrick transportation in the MnSP CSSP services tab and what do you include in the service notes section?
Authorized as a lump sum rate.
Service notes need to include the actual # of units authorized from Merrick referral & the .01-unit rate detail.