Presidency of Washington
Presidency of Adams
Presidency of Jefferson
Presidency of Madison

What years did George Washington serve as president of the U.S.?

1789 - 1797


When did John Adams serve as U.S. president?



When did Jefferson serve as president and who were his opponents?

1801 - 1809

John Adams and Aaron Burr (vice president for Jefferson's first term)


When was Madison the U.S. president?



Who wrote the national anthem?

Francis Scott Key, who was inspired by the Battle of Baltimore


What did Washington create?

A cabinet of four appointed department heads that served as advisors to President Washington. This system is still used today.


Who was his opponent?

Thomas Jefferson


Louisiana Purchase

Jefferson bought land from France that costed $15 million, although this went against the Constitution. The land purchased was where the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers flowed, including the Port of New Orleans. The purchase doubled the U.S.'s size and increased the D-R's popularity. Lewis and Clark were sent to explore the new territory. 


Important Acts

Non-Intercourse Act of 1809 - Americans could trade with all nations EXCEPT Britain and France

Macon's Bill #2 - U.S. would trade with either Britain or France (whichever agreed to respect the U.S.'s neutrality as sea)


Northern Battles of the War of 1812

1. 1812 - Ft. Detroit (British victory)

2. 1813 - Frenchtown and River Raisin Massacre (British victory)

3. 1813 – York/Toronto (U.S. victory)

4. 1813 - Battle of Thames (U.S. victory)


What acts and treaties were made during Washington's presidency?

Judiciary Act 1789 - Established the Supreme Court with one Chief Justice and 5 Associate Judges, created 13 districts and 3 circuit courts of appeal

Jay Treaty 1794 - John Jay went to England to stop them from seizing U.S. ships, British agreed to evacuate military posts and pay U.S. damages

Pinckney Treaty 1795 - Spain agreed to lower Mississippi River and New Orleans to U.S. trade without the U.S. paying duties to the Spanish government


Important Acts

Naturalization Act - Increased number of years to become a U.S. citizen from 5 to 14 (this affected the Democratic Republicans negatively)

Alien Act - Authorized the President to deport any aliens considered dangerous and to detain enemy citizens in time of war

Sedition Act - made it illegal for newspaper editors to criticize either the President or Congress and imposed heavy penalties (fined or imprisoned) for editors who violated the laws


Marbury v. Madison 1803

Jefferson wanted to block any last-minute appointments made by Adams. James Madison, Secretary of State, was ordered to not deliver commissions to this appointments, which caused William Marbury to go to the Supreme Court. Chief Justice John Marshall decided that William Marbury should receive his commission.


Treaty of Ghent

The Treaty made that ended the War of 1812 and helped make peace between Britain and ths U.S.


Naval Battles of War of 1812

1. USS Constitution against HMS Guerriere (U.S. victory)

2. U.S. privateers captured several British ships

3. Battle of Lake Erie (U.S. victory)

4. Battle of Lake Champion (U.S. victory) 


Whiskey Rebellion 1794

Farmers in Pennsylvania refused to pay excise taxes on whiskey and started to fight for their liberties. Washington deferalized 15,000 state militiamen, and the show of bloodshed that followed ended the rebellion. This showed the federal government's strength and power, especially against rebellions and uprisings.


XYZ Affairs

In an attempt to stop France from seizing U.S. ships, delegates were sent to negotiate. French ministers known as X, Y, and Z wanted bribes before any negotiations. The U.S. refused and many U.S. citizens wanted to go to war, but Adams opposed this.


Barbary Pirates 

Washington and Adams bribed the Barbary governments to stop seizing U.S. ships. Instead of money, Jefferson sent naval ships to protect U.S. merchant ships, which caused fighting between the U.S. and pirates until 1805


Hartford Convention (Dec. 15, 1914 - Jan. 5, 1915)

New England Federalist party members met at the Hartford Convention to discuss war grievances and the possibility of secession.


Napoleonic Wars

Great Britain and France were warring again. Both countries continued to seize U.S. ships, Britain was worse because they dominated the ocean with their navy. Captured U.S. merchants were forced to serve the British army (impressing)


Washington's Farewell Address

1. Avoid Sectionalism

2. Do not get involved in European or other foreign affairs

3. Avoid permanent military alliances

4. Do not form political parties


Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

Papers written by Jefferson and Madison that spoke about the compact that states entered, and if the Federal Government broke that compact, the states could nullify the law. It was written because of the opposition that the D-Rs had with the Alien and Sedition Acts. After it was published, the Supreme Court gained the power to declare laws unconstitutional. 


Embargo Act of 1807

Prohibited U.S. merchant ships from trading with other countries. This was signed with the hope that it would hurt France and Great Britain economically, but it did the opposite. The act was repealed in 1809, but the U.S. was still unable to trade with France and Britain.


War of 1812

Occurred between the U.S. and Britain. Caused because of Britain's disrespect to the U.S. neutrality, and Americans wanted British Canada and Spanish Florida. Ended in 1815 with the Treaty of Ghent


Hamilton's Financial Plan

1. Assume the debts of the states and federal government

2. Creates protective tariffs

3. Create a Bank of the United States

SUPPORTERS - Northern merchants

OPPONENTS - Anti-federalists