Washington's Presidency
Economic Issues
Foreign Affairs
Constitution and Government Review
Political Parties

This man was the unanimous choice to become the first president of the United States.

Who is George Washington?


This financial issue was inherited by Washington after the Revolutionary War. Let's just say we owed people a lot of money.

What is the national debt?


Washington said he did not want to take sides regarding the French Revolution, he wanted to remain this.

What is neutral?

This document came before the Constitution.

What is the Articles of Confederation?


These were the first two political parties in the US.

Who are theFederalists and Democratic-Republicans?


This is an earlier action that serves as an example for others. Sounds kinda similar to president!

What is precedent?


Tariffs, an excise tax, and an establishment of the national bank were part of this man's plan to deal with the financial issues of the country.

Who is Alexander Hamilton?


Jay's Treaty sought to resolve issues the US was having with Britain at the time which included the British doing this to American ships.

Which is seizing them/taking them?


This separate document to the Constitution gave individual freedoms and limited the power of the government. It is also known as the first ten amendments to the Constitution.

What is the Bill of Rights?


Alexander Hamilton and John Adams were the leaders of this political party.

Who are the Federalists?


In his farewell speech, Washington advised future presidents to do one of these things.

Stay out of foreign affairs, avoid political alliances, keep religion relevant, and take care of the government.


Jefferson was one of many people who opposed the establishment of the national bank because this document did not give the government that power.

What is the Constitution?


This alphabet affair involved the French demanding a bribe from American diplomats.

What is the XYZ Affair?


The Judiciary Act of 1789 established this system involving the Supreme Court.

What is the federal court system?


Thomas Jefferson was the leader of this political party.

Who are the Democratic-Republicans?


Washington needed advisors to help him make decisions and these advisors were given a furniture-related name and continue to advise presidents to this very day.

What is the cabinet?


Part of the compromise of getting people to accept Hamilton's financial plan was moving the US capital to this current location.

What is Washington DC?


One thing the British agreed to regarding the Jay Treaty was vacating these military structures that were set up out west.

What are forts?


This "stretchy" clause is also known as the Necessary and Proper Clause.

What is the elastic clause?


This out of this world sounding law targeted mainly French immigrants and critics of the government.

What are the Alien and Sedition Acts?


Name one of Washington's advisors.

Hamilton, Jefferson, Knox, or Randolph.


This rebellion, named after a beverage, tested the strength of the new Constitution.

What is the Whiskey Rebellion?


The United States got involved in an undeclared naval war with this European nation.

Who is France?


This process allows for changes to the Constitution.

What is the amendment process?


This man would go on to become the 2nd president of the United States after winning the Election of 1796.

Who is John Adams?