What is another name for waste?
garbage, rubbish, and junk
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What does biodegradable mean?
That something can be broken down.
What is an example of plant waste?
dead leaves, or dead plants
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Where should food scraps go?
What does reduce mean in terms of waste reduction?
to buy less stuff
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Is plant and animal waste good for the environment?
What goes in a compost bin?
Anything that can be decomposed such as food scraps.
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What is Electronic Waste (E-waste)?
Any electronic device that is no longer wanted or is broken.
What are the three types of waste disposal (not recycling or composting)?
Incinerating waste, Landfill sites, and sanitary landfills
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If you don't want something anymore what can you do with it?
donate or regift
Why is human-made waste bad for the environment?
It isn't all biodegradable and can pile up because it takes years to decompose.
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What are decomposers?
They are bacteria, fungi, and other living organisms that eat dead plants and animals.
What are two examples of liquid waste?
paint, soapy or dirty water, chemicals, oil
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What kind of waste would a battery be classified as?
hazardous waste
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How could you reuse a glass container?
store something else in it
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What is toxic or hazardous waste?
Toxic or hazardous waste is any waste that is harmful to people, plants, or animals.
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What is the goal of composting?
To create rich soil from food waste and to make use of food waste
What is the difference between flammable and oxidating waste. (2 different things)
Flammable waste are chemicals that facilitate burning or makes fires burn hotter
Oxidating waste will self-ignite when exposed to water or air
What can sanitary landfills be turned into?
golf courses or toboggan hills
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Why should we repair something instead of throwing it out?
to reduce the amount of waste we create, to buy less things
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What is the definition of waste?
Waste is anything that we don't need or want anymore
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What are 3 items that can be composted and 3 items that cannot be composted?
Compostable - Vegetables, Houseplants, Yard trimmings, Coffee, Tea, Fruits, Nut shells, Eggshells, Cardboard (anything natural or organic with no additives)
Non-compostable - Dairy products, Fats and Oils, Eggs, Meat, Fish bones, Pet waste, Diseased plants, medication, cigarettes, broken glass (anything human made, or that contains additives)
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What are the 5 types of waste?
1. Liquid
2. Solid
3. Organic
4. Hazardous
5. Recyclable
What is the difference between a sanitary landfill and a landfill site?
sanitary landfill- trench is dug and layers of garbage and soil are inserted into the trench
landfill site- garbage is piled up
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What are the 7 R's?
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Refuse, Repair, Regift, and Recover
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