Environmental Health

The processes involved in dealing with the waste of humans and organisms, including minimization, handling, processing, storage, recycling, transport, and final disposal.

What is 2 minutes?

According to the UCLA Annual Sustainability Fair


This many pounds of compostable waste is disposed by Ackerman Union each day.

What is 2 minutes?

According to the UCLA Annual Sustainability Fair


Independent agency of the United States federal government for environmental protection that develop and and enforce regulations related to the environments.

What is EPA?

Their mission is to protect humans and the environment. They also give grants to other environmental organizations, research about environmental issues, and teach others by publishing information on their website. The current director is Scott Pruitt.


Health effects from treatment of this type of waste may include digestive, neurological, respiratory, and bone problems.

What is e-waste?

The health risks of e-waste may result from direct contact with harmful materials such as lead, cadmium, chromium, brominated flame retardants or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), from inhalation of toxic fumes, as well as from the accumulation of chemicals in soil, water and food.


It takes this many minutes to fill one UCLA dorm trash bin.

What is 2 minutes?

According to the UCLA Annual Sustainability Fair held by UCLA Sustainability to educate over 12,000 students living on the residential hill.


There are this number of active landfills are in the United States.

What is 3,091 landfills?

There are more landfills that are but active as well. These landfills are constantly releasing harmful chemicals into the air and get bigger faster than we can break them down.


Materials that are damaging to humans or the environment.

What is hazardous waste?

Through a series of questions, these materials are identified then specially regulated. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act’s “cradle to grave” regulations regulates hazardous material from production to waste.


These enter the human body in many ways from drinking contaminated water to eating a fish that is exposed to the broken down toxins.

What are plastics?

Plastic is killing more than 100,000 sea turtles and birds a year from ingestion and entanglement. In addition, toxins in plastics are directly linked to cancers, birth defects, immune system problems, and childhood developmental issues when consumed by humans.


In 2015, LA county produced this many tons of waste (not including recyclable material)

What is 9,476,309 tons of waste?

According to the 2015 Environmental Report Card for LA County: the city of Los Angeles generates approximately about 1/3 of all waste in the entire county.


This percent of American waste is recyclable; this percentage of that is what we actually recycle.

What is 75% and 30%?

We don’t recycle 70% of what we can and that shows me that we don’t care enough or we don’t have enough knowledge about what’s recyclable. Maybe we should have more recycle bins available. Also, 75% of waste is a lot to be recyclable which shows that most of the products being made are reusable. I think we can work on getting that last 25 percent or close to it to be recyclable as well.


“Any unauthorized disposal of waste on any public or private property”

What is illegal dumping?

Defined by Department of Public Works. It can harm plants and wildlife, disrupts natural land and water processes, and can lead to pollution of ground and surface water. It is punishable by a fine upto $10,0000 or 6 months in jail.


Studies found statistically significant elevated risks of birth defects found for people living within this many kilometers of the both hazardous and non-hazardous waste sites.

What is 2 kilometers?

Living near a hazardous or non-hazardous landfill may have adverse effects on health in addition to birth defects including low birth weight, respiratory diseases, and certain types of cancers.