Rescue techniques
Types of entries
Contact towing techniques

The key to any rescue is self



Before entering the water it is important to _____

Assess the entry point to determine the best method of entry


It is important to keep the person's ______ above water at all times


What are the four A's of a rescue

Awareness (recognition of emergency)

Assessment (Do you have knowledge, fitness, skill and informed judgment to do a rescue? Safety and accepting responsibility)

Action (Performing a safe, efficient and effective rescue)

Aftercare (Aid until medical help arrives, reporting incident, comply with duty of care requirements)


Dry rescue is the best rescue. True or false?


Choose an entry that offers complete?



List a few contact rescue techniques that may be used to carry our a rescue of an unconscious person.

Cross chest, head tow, clothing tow, double armpit tow, vice grip tow, double shoulder tow, support tow, wrist tow, armpit tow.


Water safety and hazard identifications: What is the three easy to remember rules known as the aqua code?

Go together (swim with a buddy or mate)

Stay afloat and wave (Relax, roll on our back, hold onto something if available and wave your arm to attract attention)

Reach and Rescue (Don't get into the water. Lie down and reach out with a stick or rope).


What can be used for a non-contact tow?

Branch or floating object, 


Entry method includes slide in, wade in, step in, compact jump, standing and shallow dive, stride and accidental fall. 

Explain when you would use slide in, wade in, and compact jump entry.

Slide- Depth and state of bottom are unknown. Entry is controlled and safe - feet is used as an aid to feel unseen obstacles

Wade- Water is shallow and conditions unknown. Entry is controlled and safe - Feet used to aid or feel unseen objects/obstacles

Compact jump - Entry is required from a height of more than one meter into known deep water - Feet first is safer than head first- Primarily used for emergencies. 


The person in difficulty is entirely cooperative, and all other rescue methods are unsuccessful. 

Wrist tow


Aquatic Environment: 

1. List the 5 Aquatic enviroments

2. List a danger or hazard of each environment

1. River - Crumbling banks - result in a person accidentally falling into water; Submerged obstacles such as trees, branches, rocks; currents - unpredictable. 

2. Lakes and Dames - Cold water, waves (surging) short and choppy dangerous waves

3. The beach - Waves (plunging, spilling, surging waves), currents, rips. 

4. Swimming pool - large crowds, inexperienced swimmers, slippery surfaces)


What rescue attempt am I?

The person in difficulty is too far away to carry out a reach rescue. The purpose of __________ a buoyant aid is to provide the swimmer in difficulty with support until removal from the danger area is possible.



Demonstrate a stride entry 

A rescuer needs to watch the person in difficulty and entry is to be made from a low height into water known to be free of obstacles.


This technique is particularly useful for those who are unconscious and not breathing, as it supports the head, allowing it to be kept clear of the water. 

Support tow


Rock Fishing. 

Aside from wearing a life jacket, list 4 of the 11 key safety messages from Recfishwest?

1. Tell someone - Notify friends or families of your location, and when you'll be back.

2. Never fish alone - Always take a buddy - go with an experienced fisher. 

3. Know the area, know the conditions - Read the safety signage, check swell, tide and wind conditions prior to your trip. 

4. Wear appropriate clothing: Light clothing will allow you to swim more freely if you are washed in. Wear appropriate footwear (non-slip). 

5. Observe first, fish later- observe conditions

6. Plan your escape - safest escape route back to shore

7. Use appropriate public safety equipment

8. Stay alert - don't turn your back to the ocean.

9. If you go in - stay calm, float on your back and await rescue. if capable, swim to shore. 

10. If you see someone go in - don't jump - use a rope or something that floats to help rescue - call 000


Put the following rescue techniques into the correct order:

Wade, Reach, tow, throw, talk, row, and swim

Talk, Reach, Throw, Wade, Row, Swim, Tow (non-contact and contact)


The water is know to be deep and free of obstacles. Which entry method suits this description?

Standing and shallow dive. 


It is necessary to control the body position of the unconscious person and the rescuer does not have the swimming power to perform a cross chest tow.

Double Armpit Tow


Priorities of rescue. 

Which is the correct order of rescue?

Weak swimmer, Unconscious swimmer, injured simmer, Non-swimmer.

Attention should first be given to securing and supporting conscious people

1. Non Swimmer - they will panic when experiencing difficulty in the water. They are often "climbing the ladder". They are in danger of loosing consciousness.

2. Weak swimmer - They may be able to use their arms and legs for support.

3. Injured swimmer - Typically grasp the injured area and call for help - they'll be able to use a flotation devise if provided

4. Unconscious - may be at an level of the pool, depending on the time they've been unconscious - They can be faced up or faced down but will not be moving.