When water falls and runs across the earth's surface feeding into ponds, river and lakes
what is runoff
where do waves happen
oceans surface
how long does it take to change tide
Tides rotate from high to low every 6 hours.
what types of currents are their
Currents are categorized into 2 different types, surface currents and deep currents.
what is an abyssal plain
Flattest part of the ocean
gas to a liquid
what is condessation
what would happen without waves
No heat, no light, no sound. ... Waves, quite simply, are disturbances or variations in a medium that allow the transfer of energy.
If you are on the coast and the moon is directly overhead what would you experience
what is high tide.
what are surface ocean currents
Warm currents affected by wind
A seamount is
An underwater volcano
when water falls of leaves or plants
what is transpiration
what is a wave
A wave is the movement of energy through a body of water.
what cause tides to happen
Tides are caused by the gravitational pull on the Earth’s surface.
what is a current
A current is a large stream of moving water that flows through the oceans
A former mountain that got flattened by erosion
the changing of liquid into a gas
what is evaporation
how are waves made
Waves form when winds blowing across the water transmit their energy to the water.
how do we find out which side of the planet has high tide
The side of the Earth that is closest and opposite of the moon experiences high tide.
how are currents caused
Ocean currents are caused by wind, temperature, and density differences in salinity.
what are glaciers
Glaciers are slow-moving rivers of frozen ice; which make up the largest source of fresh water on the planet.
What is precipitation
when water accumulates in clouds and gravity pulls it back down
why are waves at a lake are not near as large as waves at the ocean?
This is because the winds over the ocean have traveled long distances and the winds from lakes have not.
what does the term tide mean
The term tide is a term used to define the rise and fall of the sea level compared to the land.
how are surface currents caused
Surface currents are caused by the winds pull on the surface of the water.
how much of the earth's water is locked up in glaciers and ice sheets